[Equal] zwei neue AP-Ausschreibungen
raffael.wehrli at dekmed.uzh.ch
raffael.wehrli at dekmed.uzh.ch
Wed Mar 16 16:44:15 CET 2016
The Faculty of Medicine at the University of Zurich invites applications
Assistant Professorship in Paleogenetics
The position is available at the Institute of Evolutionary Medicine
(Director: Prof. Dr. Frank Rühli).
We are looking for a young and dynamic personality at an early stage in
his/her career, flexible and willing to contribute significantly to this
dynamic research area. Successful can-didates will have demonstrated
ability to independently conceive novel research projects and bring them to
successful completion. We seek individuals with the following
Training in the field of biomedicine (MD and/or PhD)
Expertise in molecular biology and DNA sequencing; experience with the
analysis of ancient remains
Internationally recognized scientific track record
Interdisciplinary networking with translational research prospects
Excellent social skills; open and integrative personality
Interest for modern teaching methods
Knowledge of the German Language is not mandatory, however to acquire some
proficiency in German over time is expected.
The University of Zurich is an equal opportunity employer. The Faculty of
Medicine imple-ments specific measures in the selection process to increase
the proportion of women with a faculty position.
Please hand in your application for this position at
https://www.recruiting.med.uzh.ch/position/5046272 by April 30st 2016.
For additional information, please contact the president of the search
committee, Prof. Dr. Anita Rauch: Tel. +41 44 556 33 00,
anita.rauch at medgen.uzh.ch.
and for:
Assistant Professorship in Developmental Neuropharmacology
The University of Zurich is seeking candidates with an outstanding
scientific track record and international visibility to apply for a
non-tenure track Assistant Professorship in Devel-opmental
The position, which is limited to a maximum of six years, is located at the
Institute of Phar-macology and Toxicology on the Irchel campus. The
successful candidate shall develop an independent research program on the
cell biology or cell physiology of synapse develop-ment and plasticity with
relevance to disorders of the human central nervous system.
Successful competition for third party funding and appropriate
participation in the teaching activities of the Institute are expected. We
offer a highly stimulating research environment in the vibrant Zurich
neuroscience community (www.neuroscience.uzh.ch) and on-campus access to a
broad range of state-of-the-art facilities.
The University of Zurich is an equal opportunity employer and takes
specific measures to increase the number of applications from women to
faculty positions.
Please submit your application for this position on-line at
https://www.recruiting.med.uzh.ch/position/5046273 by May 1st, 2016.
Applications by regular mail or e-mail cannot be considered. For additional
information, please contact the president of the search committee, Prof.
Dr. S. Jessberger;
jessberger at hifo.uzh.ch, or the director of the Institute of Pharmacology
and Toxicology, Prof. Dr. H. U. Zeilhofer, zeilhofer at pharma.uzh.ch.
Freundliche Grüsse
Raffael Wehrli
Raffael Wehrli
Stiftungen, USMLE, Titularprofessuren, Website
Stab Geschäftsstelle
Universität Zürich
Medizinische Fakultät, Dekanat
Pestalozzistrasse 3/5
CH-8091 Zürich
+41 44 634 10 78 Telefon
raffael.wehrli at dekmed.uzh.ch
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