[Equal] UZH: invitation to "Gender, Excellence and Academic Research Funding" 26 March 2020
karin.gilland-lutz at gleichstellung.uzh.ch
karin.gilland-lutz at gleichstellung.uzh.ch
Thu Feb 13 18:36:36 CET 2020
Dear equals
You are cordially invited to:
5th networking meeting on 26 March 2020: "Gender, Excellence and Academic
Research Funding"
12:30 Welcome address
Prof. Beatrice Beck Schimmer, Vice President Medicine, University of Zurich
This event is all about examining how research funding intersects with
gender and excellence. National research funding organizations and
universities play a crucial role, but despite sustained efforts over time,
progress is slow in terms of promoting gender equality in research funding,
academic excellence and in shaping research careers.
Input lectures
Representatives of three European research-funding agencies as well as UZH
project leader Dr. Mihaela Falub address the impact of gender equality
measures in research funding in different national policy settings:
Prof. Angelika Kalt, Director, Swiss National Science Foundation
Dr. Marion Boland, Head of Research Policy, Science Foundation
Dr. Sabine Haubenwallner, Strategy - National Programmes, Austrian
Science Fund
Dr. Mihaela Falub, Project Manager “Research Funding and Academic
Careers”, UZH
Discussion with the audience
14:15 Reception
The event takes place at UZH, Building RAA (room RAA-G-01), Rämistrasse 59,
8001 Zürich.
for further information.
Please register for this event by email to:
karin.gilland-lutz at gleichstellung.uzh.ch
Yours sincerely
Karin Gilland Lutz
(See attached file: 200326_5APNetzwerktreffen_Flyer_A5.pdf)
Dr. Karin Gilland Lutz
Stv. Abteilungsleiterin
Universität Zürich
Dr. Karin Gilland Lutz
Gleichstellung und Diversität
Seilergraben 49 (Empfang Seilergraben
CH-8001 Zürich
+41 44 634 22 16 Telefon
+41 44 634 43 69 Telefax
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