[Oberon] Re: ETH Oberon website

peter_easthope at gulfnet.sd64.bc.ca peter_easthope at gulfnet.sd64.bc.ca
Sat Jul 27 21:54:07 CEST 2002

Charles Angelich & others,

ca> It seems there was no desire to write separate
up-to-date documentation for each version
so that all versions are crammed together into
a confusion of exceptions.

Version  specific documentation 
seems desirable but there is another
factor involved---human time.  
I believe the Web documentation is 
mostly written and edited by one
volunteer: Andre Fischer.  He has a 
sizable list of undocumented topics 
pending.  Any coverage of a topic seems
preferable to ignoring it in favour 
of version specific coverage of another 

Writing or editing a document would 

ca> I could critique these pages line by line but I
think anyone who looks at what is there objectively
as a new user they would see what I see?

Often we can find improvements 
in style and organization which the 
orginal author might overlook, even after 
reviewing his/her work many times.  
If you find something particularly
dissatisfying and are inspired, perhaps
you can send Andre a revision.

Superficially the ETH might appear to be 
an "ivory tower" but with experience you 
will find it is populated with people
who are really very perceptive, dedicated 
and generous.  At times they might seem 
oblivious to a concern of a mortal but 
later we usually discover that the problem 
is addressed through vision and a non-obvious
plan on a bigger scale.

Regards,      Peter E.

Peter Easthope

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