[Oberon] V24.Mod code

Charles Angelich cangelich at famvid.com
Mon Aug 12 08:15:50 CEST 2002

>Message: 2
>Date: Sun, 11 Aug 2002 17:14:09 +0200 (MET DST)
>From: fischer at inf.ethz.ch
>To: oberon at inf.ethz.ch
>Cc: fischer at inf.ethz.ch
>Subject: Re: [Oberon] V24 interrupt driven
>Reply-To: oberon at inf.ethz.ch
>Pieter Muller <muller at inf.ethz.ch> wrote:
>> > Support for 4 COM ports in Native Oberon is relatively recent.
>> > According to http://www.oberon.ethz.ch/native/WebAlpha.html
>> > André Fischer added this on 04.09.01.  His changes also allow
>> > the port addresses to be configured arbitrarily.
>> >
>> > You could try fetching V24.Mod and ConfigV24.Mod from:
>> >   ftp://ftp.inf.ethz.ch/pub/ETHOberon/Native/Update/Alpha/Source1.zip
>> > and compiling them, but there might be complications due to new
>> > interfaces that would be non-trivial to address.
>"Ghost in the Machine" <cangelich at famvid.com> wrote as a reply:
>> Question: Does André, or anyone, know of any reason why his Alpha
>> V24.Mod would not work within the Native/Update/Beta 08.12.00 version
>> of Oberon?


>Compile the modules. No less and no more is required.
>V24 is very low-level in the module hierarchy ( System.ShowModules ).
>Rebooting required.

Yes, I had to to this when I hacked the existing V24.Mod code. :-)

>Use ConfigV24.GetIRQs (IRQs can cause problem, see
http://www.oberon.ethz.ch/irqs.html )
>and select a mouse with ConfigInput.SelectMouse
>To the invitation to enter "1" or "2", one may enter "3" or "4" :-)

OK, I'm guessing this display needs fixing?

>Tested with 5 mice: 1 PS2, LM1 on COM1, LM1 on COM2, LM3 on COM3, MS1 on
>All 3-button mice. Fleemarket price: 1 Euro

Yes, I know beat up on the guy with the two button mouse. LOL

>Hint: The modules Input and ConfigInput import V24.
>However, V24's interface is not altered, hence no need to recompile.
>P.S.: Curious to know how to write André with a US KB and KB map?  ALT-' + e
>Details in http://www.oberon.ethz.ch/keyboard.html

Will try to remember that key-combo. ;-)

Thanks for the new V24.Mod code.

Charles Angelich

The Ghost in the Machine!

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