[Oberon] Re: Rx.Tool

shark at gulfnet.sd64.bc.ca shark at gulfnet.sd64.bc.ca
Fri Oct 31 17:40:37 CET 2003


cg> How would I add 5 spaces with RX ?

	RX.SetSearch  ({~c} c) X1
	RX.SetReplace "     " X1

Set the insertion mark where you want to start.
Repeat RX.Replace as many times as you want.

cg> I think RX needs to use Desktops.OpenDoc  frames ?

Originally RX needed Gadgets and for a few 
years now it has worked on a Text.  A history is
at the head of RX.Mod in Native 05.01.2003.  This 
might be another motivation to install Native 

cg> I vaguely remember that Rx.* can't span 
multiple lines.

As I understand that restriction remains; don't 
understand the algorithm well enough to know 
whether it could be removed.

Regards,        Peter E.


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