[Oberon] NO alpha 5.1.2003 - Filesystem - bugs or features ?

Treutwein Bernhard Bernhard.Treutwein at Verwaltung.Uni-Muenchen.DE
Tue Feb 3 13:09:09 CET 2004

a little bit of feedback for NO alpha 5.1.2003 and its
mountable filesystems:

1. On a mounted VFAT filesystem editing a file with
   FileSystem.Mount BOOT FatFS IDE0#06 ~
   ET.OpenAscii BOOT:BOOT/GRUB/menu.lst
   and storing its contents with ET.StoreAscii from the
   menu bar leaves some ugly backup entries in directory 

	 Volume in drive C is DOS        
	 Volume Serial Number is 313A-16E3
	 Directory of C:\BOOT\GRUB

	BOOT_G~1 BAK           157  29.01.04  14:04 BOOT/GRUB/menu.lst.Bak
	BOOT_G~1 BAK           595  03.02.04  11:03 BOOT/GRUB/menu.lst.Bak
	BOOT_G~1 BAK           623  03.02.04  11:05 BOOT/GRUB/menu.lst.Bak
	         3 file(s)          1.375 bytes
	         0 dir(s)       7.888.896 bytes free

	 Volume in drive C is DOS        
	 Volume Serial Number is 313A-16E3
	 Directory of C:\BOOT\GRUB

	MENU     LST           684  03.02.04  11:17 menu.lst
	         1 file(s)            684 bytes
	         0 dir(s)       7.888.896 bytes free

2. Apparently OFSISO9660Volumes does not handle multisession CDs

The (slightly reformatted) output of
System.Directory CD:*\d  

CD:. [DIR]  			00.00.1900 00:00:00    2048
CD:. [DIR]  			00.00.1900 00:00:00    2048
CD:Aos.Par  			07.01.2004 21:02:58    4061
CD:AosAda7.Bin  			07.01.2004 21:03:36  289620
CD:AosApps.zip 	 		07.01.2004 21:16:05 6025551
CD:AosAppsSrc.zip  		07.01.2004 13:20:38 1037023
CD:AosBuild.zip  			07.01.2004 22:44:55   36448
CD:AosBuildSrc.zip  		07.01.2004 21:18:37   27589
CD:AosContributions.zip 	07.01.2004 21:10:39  168136
CD:AosContributionsSrc.zip  	07.01.2004 21:11:03  140407
CD:AosDocu.zip  			07.01.2004 21:12:19  516648
CD:AosGad.zip  			07.01.2004 21:30:02 1150650
CD:AosGadSrc.zip  		07.01.2004 21:29:32  790780
CD:AosIDE.Bin  			07.01.2004 21:03:56  263716
CD:AosInst.Tool  			07.01.2004 21:02:49    5592
CD:AosOberon.zip  		07.01.2004 21:20:36  900800
CD:AosOberonApps1.zip  		07.01.2004 22:24:56  775200
CD:AosOberonApps2.zip  		07.01.2004 22:25:18 1015223
CD:AosOberonAppsSrc.zip  	07.01.2004 22:27:06  798909
CD:AosOberonSrc.zip  		07.01.2004 21:20:12  634159
CD:AosSys.zip  			07.01.2004 21:06:17  494885
CD:AosSysSrc.zip  		07.01.2004 21:06:24  518633
CD:AosUSB.Bin  			07.01.2004 21:04:19  320596
CD:ChangeLog.html  		07.01.2004 21:00:57  118227
CD:OBL.Bin  			07.01.2004 21:04:08    2048
CD:Pr3Fonts.zip  			07.01.2004 22:26:04  208922
CD:Pr6Fonts.zip  			07.01.2004 22:27:02  375008

27 files use 16234KB

A dir (on a cmd command prompt under Win XP).

 Datentr"ger in Laufwerk E: ist BlueBottle
 Volumeseriennummer: 78ED-F443

 Verzeichnis von E:\

29.01.2004  17:42             4.058 Aos.Par
29.01.2004  17:41           289.084 AosAda7.Bin
29.01.2004  17:41         6.025.167 AosApps.zip
29.01.2004  17:41         1.030.743 AosAppsSrc.zip
29.01.2004  17:41            55.577 AosBuild.zip
29.01.2004  17:41            27.589 AosBuildSrc.zip
29.01.2004  17:46        30.783.173 AosCD.zip
29.01.2004  17:41           563.479 AosContributions.zip
29.01.2004  17:41           142.990 AosContributionsSrc.zip
29.01.2004  17:41             3.155 AosDefs.zip
29.01.2004  17:41           515.575 AosDocu.zip
29.01.2004  17:41         1.149.613 AosGad.zip
29.01.2004  17:41           789.708 AosGadSrc.zip
29.01.2004  17:41           262.108 AosIDE.Bin
29.01.2004  17:41             5.606 AosInst.Tool
29.01.2004  17:41           899.605 AosOberon.zip
29.01.2004  17:41           774.235 AosOberonApps1.zip
29.01.2004  17:41         1.014.652 AosOberonApps2.zip
29.01.2004  17:41           797.301 AosOberonAppsSrc.zip
29.01.2004  17:41           633.801 AosOberonSrc.zip
29.01.2004  17:41           490.432 AosSys.zip
29.01.2004  17:41           509.907 AosSysSrc.zip
29.01.2004  17:41           347.772 AosUSB.Bin
23.01.2004  21:00           118.227 ChangeLog.html
23.01.2004  21:04             2.048 OBL.Bin
29.01.2004  17:41           204.634 Pr3Fonts.zip
29.01.2004  17:41           375.008 Pr6Fonts.zip
29.01.2004  17:42           114.040 WebAos.Text
29.01.2004  17:42           119.148 WebAos.html
29.01.2004  17:42            22.984 noboot.exe
              30 Datei(en)     48.071.419 Bytes
               0 Verzeichnis(se),              0 Bytes frei

There are two sessions on the disk (I'm happy to send sceenshots
of the output of ISObuster :-), see www.isobuster.com or 
http://www.smart-projects.net/isobuster/ but I do not know how to 
redirect isbuster's directory listing to a file).

The sessions are created on 23.Jan.2004 and 29.Jan.2004
I don't have any clue, why NO gets a a date of 7.Jan.2004

	Bernhard Treutwein, IuK, Ref. III A 3
	Bernhard.Treutwein(at)verwaltung uni-muenchen de

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