[Oberon] Why should I investigate Blue-bottle ?

John Drake jmdrake_98 at yahoo.com
Mon Jun 7 19:47:17 CEST 2004

--- easlab at absamail.co.za wrote:
> Compare these possible reasons to justify 'looking
> at NO':
> 1.  if minimum resources are important,
> 2.  if you have already invested knowledge in any of
> the algol family
>      languages.
> 3. if you collect a large volume of texts [probalbly
> from the inet]
>     which needs to be: searched, analysed,
> extracted, colated, 
>    colour-clasified  ..etc., in order to extract the
> contents/knowledge
>    with minimum effort.
> 4. if you acknowledge the loss of concentration [for
> rapid use] from the
>       conventional need to eye-scan from text-screen
> to key-board.
>       The reflex-cording-mouse becomes no more
> distracting than 
>       breathing.
> 5. if you want open source where compilation takes
> seconds instead 
>    of tens of minutes.  And where the stuff is just
> under the surface
>    instead of deep inside a tree needing scripts to
> make Makefiles
>    to ........RTFMssss.
> 6. others ....?

Yep.  Native Oberon is great.
> What would Blue-bottle offer me ?

Preemptive multitasking.  Full XML support.  (Some
of the XML library has been ported to NO). 
Preemptive multitasking.  Another unser
interface option.  (I'm not sure if this
has "stabalized" yet.)
> Will Blue-bottle solve these NO 'problems', better
> than existing 
> work-arounds:-
> * every time I look at System.Directory *.Obj I see
> more
> applications which apparently have no documentation,
> like
> Scheme.Obj , SchemeOps.Obj which apparently relates
> to the
> Lispy-language Scheme,

The source for those are a part of the graphics
scripting package "Vinci".  I'm not sure why 
the object code but not the source is in NO.  
Anyway if you install Vinci you should see the 
files Scheme.Mod and SchemeOps.Mod.  There's 
still not a lot of documentation but at least 
you can get an idea of what's going on.  For 
instance there's the Scheme example in 

Scheme.Execute (+ 2 3)#~

I don't know of any "system" way to improve
this situation.  BlackBox does create a
documentation subdirectory every time you
create a subsystem so that may encourage
more documentation, but there's nothing to
enforce it.
> * cater for ISP ID containing unusual but not
> invalid per RFC
>    chars like "@",

I thought Edgar fixed that in his latest PPP
implementation?  No?


John M. Drake

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