[Oberon] Oberon Wiki

John Drake jmdrake_98 at yahoo.com
Mon Jun 7 23:21:17 CEST 2004

--- shark at gulfnet.sd64.bc.ca wrote:
> Bernhard,
> bt> it would be nice to have an NO - BlueBottle
> oriented Wiki.
> Edgar also mentioned this.
> Hosting on carnot is a possibility to consider.
> I need to learn more about it before making a 
> decision.  Probably also need to clear it with
> UBC.
> How much use would such Wiki receive?  This 
> mailing list and the list operated by Edgar 
> both have little traffic.
> Regards,       Peter E.
> Web pages: search for "peter lyall easthope"

Well, to me the value of a Wiki is not simply
measured by the amount of "traffic" it gets.
A Wiki allows members of a community (or 
anyone in the case of Wikipedia) to quickly 
make additions and corrections to a website.
This approach could greatly help with the
ongoing issue of "not enough detailed
documentation".  That way the site is more
likely to be up to date since there is more
than one "maintainer".  Think about Guy
Laden's site.  It was once the absolute
most comprehensive Oberon site available.
(In some ways it still is).  Yet it's woefully
out of date.  For instance BlueBottle isn't
listed there.  And there are links to compilers
that are no longer available.

Also consider the question of "corporate memory".
Let's say someone was having the same problem
that Chris Glur had with his ISP.  They could
post a question here.  Or they could slog
through the mailing list archive.  But say if
there was a Wiki with a "Troubleshooting"
section that had a "networking" subsection?

Also implementing this on top of Bluebottle
(either natively or via the JVM) sounds like
an interesting exercise.


John M. Drake

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