[Oberon] WebDAV upload bug found, OberonAosLinux

edgar at edgarschwarz.de edgar at edgarschwarz.de
Tue Jun 22 23:51:37 CEST 2004

John Drake <jmdrake_98 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> I wrote:
> > OTOH after months of being occupied with other more
> > pressing matters
> > I started my WebDAV server on webdav.ethz.ch again.
> > And I will have look into the problems there are.
> > The difficult part is that I fear that these are not
> > WebDAV but TCP/IP/HTTP
> > problems.
> Good!  Glad to see progress on this again.
> I had forgotten about that!  Well I tried to upload
> again today.  (Using MS Explorer "web folders" this
> time).  I got to 1.2K!  (The file is actually 5K).
> Still that's progress. ;)  Then I went back to
> Win Aos.  It took 3 attempts, but I got
> it up!
> Attempt 1: 512 bytes
> Attempt 2: 4K then garbage
> Attempt 3: 5K and fine!
I just found a bug in the WebDAV server which would cause problems with uploading.
So if you perhaps delete the file it took you 3 tries to upload and try it
again ?
BTW, what do you think about having an Aos bootable from Linux ?
There was LNO, Native for Linuxes and even an Aos for Windows. So it should be
It could give an easy way to jump between Linux (For browsing and reading PDF and .doc)
and Bluebottle.
I started a page at "http://www.edgar-schwarz.de/cgi-bin/moin/OberonAosLinux".
BTW, Moin uses image/png which seems not to be supported yet by Oberon/Aos.
Any plans to add that ?

Cheers, Edgar

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