[Oberon] WebDAV upload bug found, OberonAosLinux
Alan Freed
AlFreed at ohio.net
Wed Jun 23 23:14:36 CEST 2004
> > BTW, what do you think about having an Aos bootable
> > from Linux ?
> > There was LNO, Native for Linuxes and even an Aos
> > for Windows. So it should be
> > possible.
> > It could give an easy way to jump between Linux (For
> > browsing and reading PDF and .doc)
> > and Bluebottle.
> I think it's a great idea! It's interesting but I
> was thinking much along the same lines. (LNO and
> Aos for Windows as a jumping point for Linux AOS.)
> I'm not really much of a Linux user myself, but
> Linux is certainly in the forefront of the Open
> Source movement. I think the dynamic web server
> may have much of the capability of Zope or
> PHP templates.]
I think it is a great idea, too. I do use linux extensively,
and would very much like to have an analog of WinAos
for linux. Felix, the author of WinAos, told me he didn't
see any obstacles for this to become reality other than
requiring a month of coding, and since he is writing his
thesis right now, that is not an option. There are tools,
Wine and Winelib, that may allow for a port of WinAos
to linux, but I'm not sure if this is the best approach.
> > I started a page at
> "http://www.edgar-schwarz.de/cgi-bin/moin/OberonAosLinux".
> > BTW, Moin uses image/png which seems not to be
> > supported yet by Oberon/Aos.
> > Any plans to add that ?
> >
> > Cheers, Edgar
> Well the Aos GUI is pretty much built on PNG and XML.
> But there currently isn't an Aos specific web browser
> so right now you're stuck using the System 3 base
> HTML 2 browser or WebNavigator. Of course since
> the source code is available for the PNG viewer
> it shouldn't be impossible to get it working under
> System 3.
> Regards,
> John M. Drake
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Alan D. Freed
AlFreed at ohio.net
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