[Oberon] BlueBottle Websever and loopback questions

John Drake jmdrake_98 at yahoo.com
Fri Jun 25 20:53:36 CEST 2004

--- John Drake <jmdrake_98 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I noticed that the latest release of BlueBottle has
> a
> newer dynamic web page server.  (I know the website
> is
> run off of *.ssmp pages, but this one uses *.dxp
> pages).  I'd love to play with it (or the *.ssmp
> version) but I have a couple of problems.
> 1) I never can get standalone BlueBottle to do
> networking.  (I think I could if I knew how to boot
> off a floppy instead of a CD).
> 2) When I used WinAos I can get it to serve "basic"
> webpages, but not the dynamic content in the *.ssmp
> or
> *.dxp pages.  (Actually the *.dxp pages aren't even
> in
> the WinAos distribution, but the modules needed to
> serve them appear to be.)
> So I was wondering, does BlueBottle have a
> "loopback"
> mode?  At this point I'd be happy to test this stuff
> "standalone" even.  What steps do you need to take
> to
> boot from floppy?  (That way I could save the
> network
> configurations).  And how do you get WinAos to serve
> dyamic content?
> Regards,
> John M. Drake

Ok.  I was able to answer my own questions:

1) Loopback mode:  Already available.  I needed to
do instead of http://localhost

2) Using dynamic webpages (*.dxp pages).  WinAos
Oberon is missing the DynamicWebpagePlugin.Text
file that explains how to do this.  I'll upload
this info to the Wiki.

So some good progress!  I still don't know how
to run *.ssmp pages.  (Though I like *.dxp better
at this point.)


John M. Drake 

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