[Oberon] DosBasedFS=OFSDosBasedVolumes.New OFSN2KFiles.NewFS

jan verhoeven jan at verhoeven272.nl
Thu Apr 28 21:42:27 CEST 2005


I have some more information about my non-booting Oberon system.

After Lilo invokes Oberon at /dev/hda2 (IDE0#02) I press the left Shift 
key. Which gives me a status overview of which one line is a bit strange:

DosBasedFS=OFSDosBasedVolumes.New OFSN2KFiles.NewFS

I have installed Oberon in a partition of its own, but still, the system 
'thinks' it is DOS based. 
If I enter 'Init=9090' before pressing 'c', I end with the errormessages:

	error 2
	OFSBoot: Mount failed on BootVol
	Modules: System.Obj not found
	OFSBoot: System.Obj not found

Apparently, the bpptloader is looking in a place where there is nothing.

How can I change this?

Met vriendelijke groeten

Jan Verhoeven

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