[Oberon] Notebook and Bluebottle (2)

Jack Johnson knapjack at gmail.com
Mon Aug 22 15:35:25 CEST 2005

On 8/20/05, Edgar Schwarz <edgar at edgarschwarz.de> wrote:
> Somebody wrote about trying to set a 640x480 VGA mode when booting
> Bluebottle.
> Any hint where to get detailed instructions ? I did a quick search but
> didn't find anything yet.

(Working from memory)

Hold down the shift key while booting (which isn't always easy because
booting is *so* fast).  You can see the boot parameters, and I believe
just doing:


(or maybe "boot") will get you going again.  Someone correct me if
this is not the case.

Good luck,


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