[Oberon] Re. Username which contains the "@" char ...

shark at gulfnet.sd64.bc.ca shark at gulfnet.sd64.bc.ca
Tue Jan 17 23:05:16 CET 2006


cg> So you had to handle the fact that the strings expand and
contract in length ?

Yes.  This is only a problem in the rare case 
where the escaped form is too big for the extant 
array.  My code gives a warning message in this 
case.  Why are you concerned?

cg> ... in the whole dial/ppp 'thread' ...

I believe ESC and UnESC should be used in the 
Passwords section of NetSystem.  PPP would be 
more specific than necessary.

cg> ... an unexpected abort/mis-connection 'leaves 
the ser-port in a bad state', ...

No connection to the question of handling (escaping) 
the authentication parameters as far as I understand.

Regards,        ... Peter E.

Desktops.OpenDoc  http://carnot.pathology.ubc.ca/

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