[Oberon] Re. Power-down restoration

Chris Glur easlab at absamail.co.za
Fri Jan 2 12:27:14 MET 2009

> > Altho' I don't pay for electricity, society pays for me.
> > Since 'laying out the various bits & pieces to familiar locations' is a
> > major task, in increasing productivety in eg. Linux, a killer app. which
> > is long over due, would allow a power-down and reboot to continue
> > from the same 'layout'.   I suspect it may already exist ?
W B Hacker wrote:-
> For more than 20 years..
> The 'killer app' if you will is a side-effect of virtualization, and is 
> effectively cross-platform.
> --snip --
> Finally, these containers often open to an active state faster than 
> their ordinary 'bare-metal' host could boot and open the apps to the 
> same level of usefulness.
> Thereafter the 'killer app' is whatever rocks your boat.

It's a killer-app, in the sense that a warm coat is, during unanticipated
cold weather.  Do any of the current WinTel-wallmart boxes do this ?

I was hoping that someone would point me to Linux facilities, since
I had a vague feeling that it already existed.  Although since it would
have to work rignt down at the kernel level, it's not just a trivial add-on.

> > Will it be economic to have a home-server, when boxes can be shutdown
> > and rebooted to the 'same state' by saving the relevevant RAM conditions
> > to disk ?
Joerg wrote:-
> What you describe here is called persistance and John Drake pointed
> out possible solutions to it.
> However, I think SERVERS are a little "special": They don't need
> (complicated) persistence. I mean, they sit there on the internet
> and wait for client requests. After answering the request they
> sit there and wait again.
> When a server boots up, the configuration files will start all
> processes that wait for requests. The only thing I had to do
> on my server was to program the computer's power controller in
> a special way: If the power is cut by accident and will be back
> again after a while, I had to make sure that the server is re-booted.
> As you know, computers won't boot if you just plug in the power
> cable ;-)

I'm asking a socio-economic question & Ya'all giving only
technical p.o.v.

What is a typical duty-cycle of a home-server ?
What if each year there's an extra 20 million Chinese
home-servers running 7/24 ?

== Chris Glur.

and related:--
Newsgroups: alt.comp.software.newsreaders,news.software.readers,comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: blogs kill groups; cars kill trains;  unsustainable ?

Except for the most technical, newsgroups have all migrated to blogs.
So my ISP newsServer is often disabled/sluggish.

When I try blogs, I see that 'the whole book' is transfered back&forth
each time an addition is made. And of course there's no concept of
threading, which gave further specialisation and opportunities for
bandwidth economising.

So then I read about RSS, which 'activates on new/additional stuff'.
But does this allow Txing of only the new material, or is the whole
book still Txed ?

What do they use in China/India ?
I can't believe they'd use such 'convenient'/wastefull methods as
we obsese slobs do?

== TIA.

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