[Oberon] Power-down restoration

John Drake jmdrake_98 at yahoo.com
Sun Jan 4 01:30:50 MET 2009

We who?  I'm always up for learning something new. ;)  And it didn't
sound like Douglas was looking for a "Linux solution".  Anyway I 
thought your question was if that would be a good "killer app".  When
I think if the term "killer app" I think of "new application that might
get people to try a particular platform."  The "power down" application
has been done and while I think it's interesting it didn't have the
"killer app" effect by itself for eros-os. I remember years ago telling
a friend how cool the feature was and he just said "Sounds like 
sleep mode on my laptop."  (Having later experienced "sleep mode"
I'm pretty sure it's not the same but it all goes to show how people
are more likely to find "good enough" on their current system then
to try something new). 

>From an Oberon perspective it would be interesting to see this 
feature implemented in BlueBottle and if any of the developers
were interested the link I gave would be a good place to start for
ideas.  If you just want to know if this has been implemented in
Linux I'd suggest posting the question on a Linux developers
list giving the same links I gave and you're more likely to get the
answer you seek.


John M. Drake

----- Original Message ----
From: Chris Glur <easlab at absamail.co.za>
To: oberon at lists.inf.ethz.ch
Cc: crglur at gmail.com
Sent: Thursday, January 1, 2009 12:47:40 AM
Subject: [Oberon] Power-down restoration 

> > Altho' I don't pay for electricity, society pays for me.
> > Since 'laying out the various bits & pieces to familiar locations' is a
> > major task, in increasing productivety in eg. Linux, a killer app. which
> > is long over due, would allow a power-down and reboot to continue
> > from the same 'layout'.   I suspect it may already exist ?
John Drake  wrote:
> It's been done before.  See:
> http://eros-os.org/eros.html
> http://eros-os.org/essays/Persistence.html
> http://eros-os.org/essays/reliability/paper.html
Yes but we don't want to learn another OS.
I thought I read of an app. for linux ?

I've often wondered how difficult it would be to
restore the arrangement of the tree of User & Sytem
viewers under Native Oberon.

== Chris Glur.

Oberon at lists.inf.ethz.ch mailing list for ETH Oberon and related systems


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