[Oberon] Power-down restoration

Chris Glur easlab at absamail.co.za
Thu Jan 1 15:47:36 MET 2009

> > Altho' I don't pay for electricity, society pays for me.
> > Since 'laying out the various bits & pieces to familiar locations' is a
> > major task, in increasing productivety in eg. Linux, a killer app. which
> > is long over due, would allow a power-down and reboot to continue
> > from the same 'layout'.   I suspect it may already exist ?
John Drake  wrote:
> It's been done before.  See:
> http://eros-os.org/eros.html
> http://eros-os.org/essays/Persistence.html
> http://eros-os.org/essays/reliability/paper.html
Yes but we don't want to learn another OS.
I thought I read of an app. for linux ?

I've often wondered how difficult it would be to
restore the arrangement of the tree of User & Sytem
viewers under Native Oberon.

== Chris Glur.

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