[Oberon] Re: A few "Oberon.Desk" questions
Chris Glur
easlab at absamail.co.za
Wed Aug 25 04:30:15 MEST 2010
Duke wrote:
> Q1: At the moment, my NO boots with System.Log and System.Tool.
NO boots to show the frames: System.Log System.Tool .
These Frames could be TextFrame/S of DocumentFrame/S.
> I manually "activate" Oberon.Desk, then Builder.Tool to practice hacking
> Oberon code.
You manually load-and-display the contents of the files ....
> I need System.Log while in Oberon.Desk. How do I get that
> to happen?
You want to have access to see System.Log , to know what's happening.
Presently my System.Log opens as a DocumentFrame by default;
IIRC that's determined by the <Init> field in Oberon.Text .
On my old system it used to open as a TextFrame.
During this 3-day session I mistakenly 'closed' my System.Log Frame and
a lot of stuff which had been logged from inet fetches, and which I had not
yet saved to file was no longer visible! Fortunately ET.Tool leads to a cmnd
which [I don't WANT to remember] which displays a System.Log TextFrame
with the contents of the previously closed - and lost to view System.Log
NB, the Frame and the corresponding file differ in 'content' if you have
changed to frame and not yet Stored it. Conventionally, one would not
save System.Log but I do: usinging it for 'notes which are very HOT and
current', especially for V4.
When I have'nt used V4 for some time and have forgotten what project/s
is current; I just klux the already visible 'System.Log'.
IMO all sytems should start with an entry menu or a single token that
you can remember: to be the top/entry to the 'task tree'.
>Q2: Oberon.Desk opens with Gadgets.Panel and Document.Panel.
OK !! I had to think. Do you really prefer Oberon.Desk to the
2-track system? I'd be interested to know if any 'old-users'
prefer developing via the Desktop. And I want to investigate A2's
IDE, after someone tells me how to mount/save my work !?
AFAIK Oberon.Desk is merely 'a' DocetFrame which takes both tracks by
default, and has a number of embedded gadgets to allow you to open
files/gadgets ...etc. There's little advantage in trying to ape M$-Win.
> Where do I tell Oberon.Desk to automagically open other panels?
Panels are Gadgets/ActiveObjects/DocumentFrames.
To forcefully get the message of this reality, you should 'open a
DocumentFrame' on copyPaste an image into it, by exaxctly the same
kluxing that copies a text-stretch to a frame: MR the source-image
[causes it to go transparent and show that it's selected - IIRC] and
ML/MM causes it to be pasted to the destination -- caret.
When you MM/MR on a <fileName> in a textFrame/DocetFrame
the corresponding <fileName> is displayed as a textFrame/DocetFrame
So, kluxing the "other panels' name" in any DocetFrame
"automagically opens that <other panel>";
OR more directly in concept but less directly in action eg:
Desktops.OpenDoc FontEditor.Panel
Ie. "Desktops.OpenDoc FontEditor.Panel" follows the formal
syntax of" : M.P <args>
<Module>.<Proc> == "Desktops.OpenDoc"
<argumentList> == "FontEditor.Panel"
But with kluxing, you just look at the name and THINK
'I want to see the contents of that file displayed'.
== Chris Glur.
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