[Oberon] OBC: Oxford Oberon Compiler (was NO still lives a little bit)

Duke Normandin dukeofperl at ml1.net
Sun Nov 21 21:01:49 CET 2010

On Sun, 21 Nov 2010, Les May wrote:

> OBC is very nice and works a treat on Debian Linux.
> But beware that it has a few differences from Oberon 2.
> In the function LEN(a, n), n takes the value 1 for the first dimension
> and 2 for the second dimension of a 2d array. The Oberon 2 compiler in
> POW would require n to take the values of 0 and 1. The Reiser and Wirth
> book is not much help here as the relevant section is confusing
> presumably due to a misprint (page 113).

Hello Les...

I stumbled on the very thing when I first looked at OBC. "Programming
in Oberon - Steps Beyond Pascal and Modula" and Nikitin agree however.


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