[Oberon] Memory allocation

Jan Verhoeven jan at verhoeven272.nl
Sun Jan 16 03:28:14 CET 2011

Hi Chris,

Thanks for your answer.

In the late 80's I used Borland's "Reflex" database engine. I have never 
since seen a better database than Reflex. It could store data, analyze 
the data and make graphs and tables on the fly. 

In Reflex I could make a two-field record, but also a 20 field mxed type 
record. Both records of course have different memory footprints and 
would need different amounts  of memory to allocate.
Inside a record (the structure of which is unknown at compile time of 
course) there could be integers, formulas and strings in a mixed 
fashion. So one would need to be able to walk through the fields of the 
record in a universal way.

At the moment, the only way to do such things is by assigning a pointer 
to byte and 'walking through' the bytes of that record.

Met vriendelijke groeten,

Jan Verhoeven

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