[Oberon] Another peculiar failure; FTP.PutFiles.

peasthope at shaw.ca peasthope at shaw.ca
Fri Sep 16 20:47:01 CEST 2011


Yesterday I encountered a failure of FTP.PutFiles in ETHNO,  
reminiscent of "http://www.ethoberon.ethz.ch/newfaq.html#error2"
"Fixed errors
  3. Copying a file of a specific length causes the system to freeze".
Repaired years ago.  Yes, error 3 in the list but the HTML label is error 2.

My network configuration is illustrated by "http://carnot.yi.org/NetworkExtant.jpg".  
Given two text files, Test44988Go containing 44988 octets and 
Test44989NoGo containing 44989 octets, Cantor can send each of these 
files to Dalton with FTP.PutFiles.  Dalton can then send the files 
on to Carnot.  No problem.

Cantor can also send Test44988Go directly to Carnot but can not 
send Test44989NoGo and several larger files directly to Carnot.

Executing FTP.PutFiles Test44989NoGo ~ yields a frozen Cantor.  
<Ctrl>+<Break> <Ctrl>+<Break> yields the following trap report.

Is 44989 octets special for the filesystem?
Is this a bug in FTP?  
In NetTCP?
In NetBase?  
In the 3Com driver? 
Any ideas?  

Thanks,                      ... Peter E.

TRAP 13  Keyboard interrupt (PC Native 05.01.2003)
Input.UnsafeBreak  PC = 14105
	note1 = "Warning: Interrupting a module"
	note2 = "may invalidate its invariants"
	note3 = "and make it unstable."
NetIP.Timer  PC = 5202
	cur =  00000000H
	delay = 0
	item =  00000000H
	now = 77616
NetBase.Poll  PC = 1566
	@for = 1
	@for = 0
	i = 0
	item =  00000000H
	j = 36
	prno = 27776
	src = (,  00000000X,  000000C0X,  000000E5X, $,  00000000X
NetTCP.Receive  PC = 12438
	C =  00286C80H
	beg = 0
	buf =  00000000X
	dst = 1759072
	l = 1759072
	len = 1
	len0 = 2670432
NetSystem.TCPReceive  PC = 4210
	C =  00286C60H
	beg = 0
	buf =  00000000X
	l = 1
	len = 1
	res = 0
NetSystem.ReadString  PC = 6337
	C =  00286C60H
	ch =  00000000X
	ch0 =  00000000X
	i = 0
	s = ""
FTP.ReadResponse  PC = 719
	S =  00286740H
	code = ""
	cpos = 0
	i = 0
	j = 0
	line = ""
	sline = "Ok to send data."
	time = 0
FTP.PutFile  PC = 10076
	C =  00000000H
	F =  00050B20H
	R =  00000008H
	S =  00286740H
	locName = "Test44989NoGo"
	remName = "Test44989NoGo"
FTP.PutFiles  PC = 18978
	Sc =  00000018H
	loc = "Test44989NoGo"
	rem = "Test44989NoGo"
Oberon.Call  PC = 4860
	Mod =  0006AEA0H
	P = FTP.PutFiles  PC = 18666
	i = 4
	j = 12
	name = "PutFiles"
	new = FALSE
	par =  001751A0H
	res = 1
TextFrames.CallCmd  PC = 12027
	F =  00174D60H
	cmd = "FTP.PutFiles"
	new = FALSE
	par =  001751A0H
	pos = 885
	res = 1
TextFrames.Call  PC = 12915
	F =  00174D60H
	S =  00000048H
	h = 0
	hint = ""
	i = 0
	new = FALSE
	pos = 873
TextFrames.Edit  PC = 20137
	F =  00174D60H
	Keys = {1}
	M =  00000060H
	R =  0000004CH
	X = 121
	Y = 104
	beg = 0
	buf =  00000000H
	ch =  00000000X
	end = 0
	keysum = {1}
	pos = 873
	text =  00000000H
	time = 0
TextFrames.Handle  PC = 21222
	F =  00174D60H
	F1 =  00000000H
	M =  00000020H
ET.Handle  PC = 10006
	F =  00174D60H
	M =  0000000CH
	T =  0016F340H
	handled = FALSE
	ml = FALSE
	tF =  00174D60H
MenuViewers.Handle  PC = 4365
	M =  00000014H
	Main =  00174D60H
	Menu =  0016FF80H
	V =  00174E20H
	V1 =  00000000H
Oberon.Loop  PC = 8578
	M =  00000010H
	N =  0000000CH
	V =  00174E20H
	X = 121
	Y = 104
	ch =  00000020X
	keys = {1}
	oldshift = {}
	shift = {}
System.Init  PC = 20240
	F =  00278660H
	S =  00000044H
	T =  002785E0H
	Wt =  00000050H
	ok = FALSE
OFSBoot.Call  PC = 426
	c = System.Init  PC = 19716
	cmd = "Init"
	i = 11
	j = 4
	m =  00163C20H
	protect = TRUE
OFSBoot.BootSystem  PC = 2780
	s = "System.Init"
OFSBoot.$$  PC = 13
	@SELF =  0003F560H
	SELF =  0003F560H

Telephone 1 360 450 2132.  bcc: peasthope at shaw.ca
Shop pages http://carnot.yi.org/ accessible as long as the old drives survive.
Personal pages http://members.shaw.ca/peasthope/ .

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