[Oberon] Degeneration via proprietry software

Chris Burrows chris at cfbsoftware.com
Tue Jan 3 08:29:08 CET 2012

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Chris Glur [mailto:easlab at absamail.co.za] 
>Sent: Tuesday, 3 January 2012 10:30 AM
>To: oberon at lists.inf.ethz.ch
>Cc: crglur at gmail.com
>Subject: [Oberon] Degeneration via proprietry software
>Pasting the code verbatim:--
>VAR tF: TextFrames.Frame;
>			Texts.OpenReader(R, text, beg); <-read 
>the selected pattern into sPat[i]
>			i := 0; pos := beg;
>			REPEAT Texts.Read(R, sPat[i]); INC(i); 
>INC(pos) UNTIL (i = MaxPatLen) OR (pos = end);
>			sPatLen := i; CalcDispVec(time)	(* 
>calculate displacement vector *) <-what's this?!
>		END;
>		IF tF.car > 0 THEN pos := tF.carloc.pos ELSE 
>pos := 0 END;
>		IF SPatFound(tF, tF.text, pos) THEN MarkPatPos(tF, pos)
>	PROCEDURE CalcDispVec(time: LONGINT);
>		VAR i, j, d: INTEGER;
>		lTime := time;
>		i := 1; d := 1;	(* calculate displacement vector *)
>		WHILE i <= sPatLen DO
>			j := 0; WHILE (j + d < sPatLen) & 
>(sPat[j] = sPat[j + d]) DO INC(j) END;
>			WHILE i <= j + d DO sDv[i] := d; INC(i) END;
>			INC(d)
>		END
>	END CalcDispVec;
>Can someone point me to an explanation of this algorithm?

Just guessing, but it reminds me of the Boyer-Moore fast string search
algorithm. The time parameter is probably just a remnant from some
performance checking runs.


Chris Burrows
Astrobe v4: ARM Oberon Development for Embedded Systems

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