[Oberon] Re (2): Amiga OS and Oberon

eas lab lab.eas at gmail.com
Sun Feb 3 08:09:15 CET 2013

The basic smtp [per RCF] as implemented on good-old ETHO
is very simple, as I found when I extended it to include `TxAutheticate`.
I can't easily find my logs of how/why I failed to extend to <smtp for gmail>;
but the following reminds me:-
}   The outgoing SMTP server, smtp.gmail.com , requires TLS.
} https://developers.google.com/google-apps/gmail/oauth_overview
 and SSL is needed too. Or is that part of TLS.
Now I've had an inspiration: since A2 & ComponentPascal are 'new/modern',
and such systems MUST have email, perhaps I can get ETHO compatible code
from there.  Please advise !!
I must mention a related fact: that example code of ETH:Zonnon showed a smtp
[or pop] implementation, which was a nightmare example of N nested IfThenElse
statements: IF youPass1 THEN IF youPass2 THEN IF ....... ELSE error1 ...
This very bad example, contrasts with the economy of the concatenative style of
programming, use by *nix scripts, which has a syntax of:
   Stage1 | Stage2 | ....StageN
Some advantages of this paradigm, is that if it tests OK up to stage I, you
don't need to go-back-to-the-beginning; and if not, you only need to know
about stage I-1.

== Check this 4 stage example, but ignore the less than optimum *nix syntax:
  cat `ls *ini`| grep size | awk '{print $3}'
which means:
 get that *ini file; the full name need not be known,
 stream it out,
 but only lineS containing "size"
 but print only the 3rd-field of such lines.

==IMO, ETH's programming style of 2-step cycles of:
 1. collect all the variables and initialise as required
 2. launch a procedure which has In/Out args
 N. get the returned values and prepare for the next attack
seems klunky and designed for military-exercising coding students.

== Chris Glur.

On 2/2/13, Alexander Iljin <ajsoft at yandex.ru> wrote:
> Hello!
>> http:gmail wants a 60 sec. multistep dance for each
>> SINGLE fetch or send. And that's using links/lynx.
>> Of course google wants you to use a full featured
>> browser, so they can dazzle you while occupying your
>> attention to tell you again that <life is better with Coke>.
>   Why don't you use SMTP with GMail?
>   http://email.about.com/od/accessinggmail/f/Gmail_SMTP_Settings.htm
> ---=====---
>  Alexander
> --
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