[Oberon] Two questions about ETH Oberon (PlugIn)

eas lab lab.eas at gmail.com
Wed Feb 6 07:58:13 CET 2013

> Do I understand correctly that all fonts in the ETH Oberon system are
> raster and have fixed size? How I can to proportionally increase the
> size of all the fonts in the system for a laptop with a small screen?
AFAIK ETHO displayed text is a sequence of rectangular objects of
possibly various sizes.
Hex.Open <fileName> ~ shows you the format of ETHO texts
IIRC FontEditor.Panel shows the pixel stucture of the 'object' and
allows you to modify it and create extra chars. I used the greater-than
128 Chars to allow display of Cyrillic with latin, in my custom font.
== A BIG mistake of ETHO was not fixing the underline char's font. I
made my own font.
Some Chapter*.Text which have 'diagrams embedded
in the string of text', the 'diagram-object' may be bigger than the
whole display [depending on the resolution]. This causes the user to
not be able to scroll managable past the 'diagram-object'.
Apparently because the smallest scroll-step is one 'object',
and the 'diagram-object' is bigger than the whole display.
Which means that it is not possible to see the 'diagram-object'
PLUS the leading/following chars.  This causes the new user to
think that ETHO is broken.
> How can I attach this text data to Texts.Scanner (to scan it with
> help of Oberon scanner)? And without saving the text to File.
To use <Oberon scanner> on a
        text*: ARRAY length OF CHAR;
I would think:
<Oberon scanner> is designed to work on a 'Texts:type'
which is 'located' in the 'display space'.
Therefore the 'text*: ARRAY length OF CHAR' would
need to be in a 'Texts:type'.
Either by having its own 'Texts:type', or possibly by
being appended to an existing 'Texts:type'.
The 'Texts:type' is loaded from a file.
But AFAIK it's not the need to come from a file that constrains
it, but the fact that the method of 'broadcasting messages'
to the display, requires the 'Texts:type' to be in the 'tree'
of displays.

== Chris Glur

On 2/4/13, Oleg N. Cher <allot at bk.ru> wrote:
> Dear All,
> I've two questions for you, please.
> 1. There is this module (in OPCL):
> 	IMPORT Kernel32, SYSTEM;
> 		length* = 1025; (*Windows 95 limit is 1024*)
> 	VAR
> 		text*: ARRAY length OF CHAR;
> END CmdLine.
> After initializing, it gets and made available the all characters of
> Win32 command line.
> How can I attach this text data to Texts.Scanner (to scan it with help
> of Oberon scanner)? And without saving the text to File.
> I can create Buffer (Texts.OpenBuf) and put the text here
> (B.WriteString). But I cannot attach this buffer to Scanner.
> Also I can create Texts.Reader, but then Texts.Text needs to be
> specified (in OpenReader), and this type is provided only for work with
> texts that are loaded (or saved) in filesystem.
> As I understand, attaching the Scanner to simple ARRAY OF CHAR is not
> possible now. But I'm in doubts, I'll be glad to get your opinion.
> 2. Do I understand correctly that all fonts in the ETH Oberon system are
> raster and have fixed size? How I can to proportionally increase the
> size of all the fonts in the system for a laptop with a small screen?
> Thanks.
> --
> Oleg N. Cher
> VEDAsoft Oberon Club
> http://zx.oberon2.ru
> --
> Oberon at lists.inf.ethz.ch mailing list for ETH Oberon and related systems
> https://lists.inf.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/oberon

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