[Oberon] Oberon 3 on Windows 7, PELinker, Windows executable

Dieter d.gloetzel at web.de
Mon Mar 16 13:52:12 CET 2015

Hi Chris,

thanks a lot. Your example works on my Oberon 3-plugin Version [Win32 
2.5 (7.2.2009)]. So basically my problem seems to be solved.
However on the newer version [Win32 2.5 (18.12.2010)] your example does 
not run, because /PELinker /and /BootLinker/ are not available in this 
I wonder whether  the PELinker/BootLinker are no longer free as 
non-commercial license, or did somebody overlook something, when he 
created the latest Version?

My application is practically ready on the Oberon side.
What do you think? Will I need more Kernel32 routines in order to do my 
job, namely reading and writing a file?

Also I write a lot of control information onto the System.Log with the 
Will this work during the EXE, or do I have to replace the 
Out-statements by something else, e.g. writing into a third file?

Although I always got along without using the Oberon Debugger, I would 
like to have some more information on how to use it.

For the missing PELinker and BootLinker I tried something which did not 
When I copy the PELinker.obj from the older Version and try to run it, 
then I get a trap, as follows.
TRAP PELinker.ErrorException in thread Oberon.Loop

PELinker.Error  PC = 236
     str1 = "stub.exe"
     str2 = " Files.Old failed"
PELinker.Assert  PC = 369
     cond = FALSE
     str1 = "stub.exe"
     str2 = " Files.Old failed"
PELinker.WriteImageHeader  PC = 1530
     F =  00000000H (Files.File)
     R =  00416E98H Files.Rider
     ch =  00000000X
     char = 0
     dosHead =  020DD958H PELinker.ImageDosHeader
     imgHead =  020DDA98H PELinker.ImageFileHeader
     sR =  00416E98H Files.Rider
     sections = 3
PELinker.DoLink  PC = 21677
     F =  020F28E0H Files.File
     R =  00416E98H Files.Rider
     T =  020DF3C0H Texts.TextDesc
     base = 0
     context =  0042DBB8H Exceptions.Context
     done = FALSE
     mod =  00000000H (BootLinker.ModuleDesc)
     name =  00000000H (PELinker.NameList)
     offs = 0
     sections = 3
PELinker.Link  PC = 23391
     S =  00447178H Texts.Scanner
     T =  020DF3C0H Texts.TextDesc
     done = FALSE
Oberon.Call  PC = 5931
     Mod =  01F7B7C0H Kernel.ModuleDesc
     P = PELinker.Link  PC = 22948
     cur =  01EE27C0H Windows.Window (Displays.Display)
     f =  01F7DF80H Desktops.DocViewerDesc (Objects.ObjDesc)
     i = 9
     j = 13
     name = "Link"
     new = FALSE
     par =  01F5B680H Oberon.ParRec
     res = 1
et cetera
Which Oberon version have you been using, Chris?

This brings me also to the following questions, which could maybe better 
be answered by ETHZ.

Being a seasoned FORTRAN programmer, the books of Wirth and Reiser
were a revelation to me, when I got them 20 years ago. I can do things 
in Oberon, which I could not have dreamed off in my FORTRAN times.

System 3 is such a wonderful, effective and efficient development 
environment with powerful libraries, with comprehensive documentation, 
nicely embedded in the
Windows system and ideal for learning to program. And I would really  be 
missing something in my life without Oberon. The Oberon branch of AOS 
did not convince me so far.

What is the future of Oberon 3 for Windows?   Will Oberon 3  be running 
on Windows 10?

Or should I move to Native Oberon on Linux, which seems to be actively 
worked upon recently?

Regards, Dieter

Am 16.03.2015 um 00:28 schrieb Chris Burrows:
>> From: Dieter [mailto:d.gloetzel at web.de]
>> Sent: Monday, 16 March 2015 4:30 AM
>> To:oberon at lists.inf.ethz.ch
>> Subject: Re: [Oberon] Oberon 3 on Windows 7, PELinker, Windows
>> executable
>> Hi Chris,
>> thanks for your recommendations. I tried, what you told me. But I did
>> not succeed. It seems I am lacking some crucial information.
>> o.k. with the HelloCon-example:
> Great!
>> Compile->Link->Register->Run and "Hello from Oberon!" appears on the
>> DOS-Console. This example is somewhat limited.
>> It does not tell me how to deal with an executable Oberon Procedure
>> in a Module or maybe several of these in one Module.
> If you have one executable Oberon Procedure in the Module then just put a
> call to that procedure in the initialisation section of the Module after all
> of the existing initialisation code.
> If you have more than one executable Oberon procedure in the Module then you
> could add a third parameter to your command line. You can then read that
> parameter and interpret it in your program to decide which executable
> procedure to call.
>> Then I tried to extend this in a way that the EXE would read a
>> parameter from the command line.
>> Since I do not know the intricacies of the Kernel32-Library,
> OK - here is a start for you. Kernel32 has a procedure call GetCommandLine
> that returns the content of the command line that your program was called
> with. I have extended the HelloCon example to get the command line and
> display it. Hence, if you call it with the command:
>    Hello abc xyz 123
> It will display:
>    Hello from Oberon!
>    Hello abc xyz 123
> The source code is:
>    MODULE HelloCon;
>    IMPORT Kernel32;
>    VAR
>      cl: Kernel32.LPSTR;
>      commandLine: ARRAY 255 OF CHAR;
>    BEGIN
>      Kernel32.Str("Hello from Oberon!"); Kernel32.Ln();
>      cl := Kernel32.GetCommandLine();
>      Kernel32.CopyString(cl, commandLine);
>      Kernel32.Str(commandLine); Kernel32.Ln();
>    END HelloCon.
> The work that you will now have to do is parse that command line to extract
> the three parameters "abc", "def", "123" as strings and then interpret them
> according to your requirements.
>> I tried the following:
>> The only idea I had was to try to use the parameter mechanism of
>> Oberon
>>    and hope that this would be magically transferred to the
>> executable.
> Unfortunately not. Once you get out of the Oberon environment and into a
> Windows command line (i.e. MS-DOS) environment then you have to give up all
> of the GUI capabilities of the Oberon environment. If your program is
> dependent on any GUI, graphics or mouse capabilities then you need to have a
> rethink about what you are trying to do.
>> A batch solution like << myprogram.exe "path to input file" "path to
>> output file">> would be sufficient for my present task.
> Good. That will make your life a whole lot easier.
>> But could one also produce screen oriented interactive Windows
>> programs from Oberon code?
> Yes. If you use a development system that was primarily designed to produce
> screen oriented interactive MS Windows programs e.g. Blackbox, Gardens Point
> Component Pascal, POW! etc.
> Regards,
> Chris
> Chris Burrows
> CFB Software
> http://www.cfbsoftware.com/gpcp
> --
> Oberon at lists.inf.ethz.ch  mailing list for ETH Oberon and related systems
> https://lists.inf.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/oberon

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