[Oberon] Re (2): contemporary instructions for installing NO

eas lab lab.eas at gmail.com
Wed May 13 03:59:51 CEST 2015

]> That's why I switched to LEO;
]That is the revived Linux Oberon recently announced by
]Peter Matthias or something older?

With LNO, you are confined to a cage, somewhat like N-O.
With Geunter Feldmann's
ETH Oberon (2.4.3) for Linux x86 [aka LEO]
you can roam the complete file-tree including FAT directories
and launch a LEO, and get the same familiar N-O interface.

I typically have 3 or 4 LEOs running in different directories.
What I only discovered in recent years is that LEO does Linux commands.

For me an essential, is the ability to see the last few files that were
'used'. It's like when we worked with papers on a desk, and were called
away for some hours, the paper STACK/sequence on the desk *REMEMBERED*
what we were doing.  File recentcy is more meaningful than FileName.
Animals & people who can't read & write use it to sequence their tasks.
Right now I'm writing in linux because I can't paste from my crappy gmail
directly to LEO. But I'll close this and launch a LEO in this dir to
continue, writing and pasting my LEO test results.
OK the first thing I do in LEO is <what was the name of the file that I
was writing in Linux>
    System.Execute Lz
This means execute the linux command Lz which
shows me the dirName & the latest 10 files & their size:--
default arg1=pwd= /mnt/DebDVD1bak/p11v/ETHforum/Booter
160333 : D
3835 : USB.SD
387 : PartnTool4LEO
0 : L
38 : G
37795 : ocpDualBoot
83419 : MBR

What is the linux command Lz ?
    System.Execute less `which Lz`
shows me the script, which lists the latest files of this dir:--
echo   "default arg1=pwd=" $PWD
# show some fields of 'ls -lt'
ls -lt $1 |
awk '{print $5 " : "  $8 }'  | sed '/^ :/d' | head $2 | tail $3

[BTW it was quiet difficult to understand my linux code again.]
Now I'm in LEO, but saving this as a Linux file, so it can be
pasted to a gmail form.

== Chris Glur.

PS. I once wrote a <ls -t> for N-O, using RX & <Sort>.
It was a nightmare.

How do you manage the inevitable *.pdf in N-O?

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