[Oberon] OLR and data storage.

Peter Easthope peter at easthope.ca
Thu Oct 8 20:32:53 CEST 2015

On Thu, October 8, 2015 12:24 pm, Jan de Kruyf wrote:
> ... I do not get the results Peter is getting with the old FAT fix.
> So would you be so kind to split my code in and see if you can reproduce
> either my or Peters results.

OK!  You work with a FAT file system?  My SDHC has an ext2.
What does Peter M. have?  Is this the source of divergence?

> and what box are you using? I am intrigued.

Routinely in use are a generic desktop PC at work,
a similar machine at home and an OLPC XO 1.5 for travel.
The desktops have USB-MMC/SD adapters; about 2 dollars
each in eBay.  The XO has a MMC/SD socket on the board.

> I am busy porting the import diagram porting software from Alexander, the
>  directory thing ties in with this issue so I will delve into it but not
> straightaway.

Import diagrams are a great help to understand the structure
of the software.  The diagrams made with dotty and etc. are
beautiful.  Speed and browser compatibility are important for
the wiki.  So my inclination is to put the simple tabular
representation in the wiki first and put the large pixel-maps
from dotty separately.  A link can lead from the simple
representation to the elaborate representation.  If we argue
about this, Felix can lower the boom.  =8~)

Regards,                   ... Peter E.

Telephone 1 360 639 0202 or +13606390202 or 12506293757.
Bcc: peter at easthope.ca  http://easthope.ca/Shop.html

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