[Oberon] RISC5 implementation issues.

Walter Gallegos walter at waltergallegos.com
Tue Feb 16 18:22:05 CET 2016

I've waited long time before post this topic because could be 
misunderstood, believe me this is a positive post. Try to address a 
methodology  issue in RISC 5 implementation.

The gold rule is "FPGA design must be synchronous". Have a clock do not 
means synchronous.

Building the hardware from Verilog description.

   dcm ( .CLKIN(OSCIN), .CLKFX(clkfx), .CLKFB(1'b0), .RST(1'b0),
     .DSSEN(1'b0), .PSCLK(1'b0), .PSEN(1'b0), .PSINCDEC(1'b0),
     .CLKDV(), .CLKFX180(), .CLK0(), .CLK2X(), .CLK2X180(),
     .CLK90(), .CLK180(), .CLK270(), .LOCKED(), .PSDONE(), .STATUS());

This implement a DCM with OSCIN as input clock to generate clkfx; for 
DCMs the XILINX recommend some period in reset with CLKIN active and 
stable. Work yes, recommended no. Is also a good practice rebuild the 
input clock with the DCM and not only generate a new one.

always @(posedge clkfx) begin
   clk0 <= ~clk0 & ~clk1;     This implement a FF feeback = not clk0 and 
not clk1.
   clk1 <= clk0;                       clk1 is also another FF taking 
clk0 as data.
   pclk <= ~pclk;                     pclk is a FF feedback Q in D

Please note, clk0, clk1 and pclk are not aligned, they are different FF 
with different placement and routing.
If used as clock, this one of the worst cases, edges are closed, not the 
same, routed into uncontrolled skew general propose routing resources, 
don't forget of metastability.


always @(posedge clk0) clk <= ~clk;

"posedge" force the implementation tool to use the clock edge detection 
available in each FPGA FF; so, this sentence force the tool to connect a 
general purpose interconnection network as FF output is to the clock 
distribution tree.

And again a signal ( not a clock in the FPGA world ) is used as clock.

always @(posedge clk)

There are also another hidden problem, the RISC clock clk, that was 
generated in the logic farm, is not aligned with clkfx by a variable 
unknown delay. This delay depend of several factor as temperature, power 
supply voltage and implementation run, that means in two implementation 
runs of same code as the tool could select different placement and 
routing  could result in different delays.

The correct way to handle clock is with a clock manager; I strong 
recommend avoid clock dividers in logic. The challenge is select a 
correct oscillator and/or the appropriate multiply divide parameters.

And after correct this problems don't forget to modify :

assign SRwe0 = ~wr | clk, SRwe1 = SRwe0;

Here clk is used as signal, so if clk is a clock must not be connected 
to a LUT input.



Walter Daniel Gallegos
Programmable Logic & Software
Consultoría, Diseño, Entrenamiento.
Montevideo, Uruguay
EMAIL walter at waltergallegos.com
Tel +598 26 23 44 60 | Cel +598 99 18 58 88

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