[Oberon] Oberon to Arduino compiler

Lars noreply at z505.com
Sat Feb 27 18:22:11 CET 2016

As you know a oberon to C compiler exists, so I was thinking why not
Oberon to Arduino? It would require modifying an existing oberon to c
compiler and is likely easier said than done.

The arduino is the cheapest version of a PC available.

Would there be troubles compiling to Arduino language? Garbage collector
or no garbage collector?

I was reading some old posts about oberon and arduino and no one seemed to
have a solution on how to use oberon for arduino, however I have not read
the messages.

There doesn't seem to be much online about intermediate compilers that
take something like C and compile it to arduino (probably since there is
no need, C is already close enough to arduino that no one needs an c to
arduino compiler system).

Then I thought some crank/crackpot would have written a Javascript to
arduino compiler, but I didn't find much.

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