[Oberon] Souce files of MinimalOberon

Srinivas Nayak sinu.nayak2001 at gmail.com
Fri Apr 8 04:22:33 CEST 2016

Dear All,

I want to gather Source files of MinimalOberon.
- Only one display driver, may be VGA, or SVGA if that is simpler than VGA
- Only one disk driver, may be IDE.
- To boot, can't we do it with IDE disk driver only? I heard floppy drivers are complex. Not sure.
- keyboard and mouse driver
- Only one file system, may be NatFS.
- Inner core of Oberon
- Outer core of Oberon
- Hello world application
- No need of compiler, other development tools etc.

I would like it to run only in qemu, for OS study and experiment.

 From Native.Tool, I collected the steps.

We have to compile the modules.
Zip them to Oberon0.zip (System.zip?)

[I think, when we boot, only Oberon0.zip is unzipped.
System.zip is unzipped only when we install Oberon to disk. Isn't it?]

Then we do

-- Installation diskette --


BootLinker.Link ram.bin \refs \integrate 1000H Kernel FPA Disks Diskettes OFS

Files Modules
  OFSDiskVolumes OFSRAMVolumes OFSN2KFiles Zlib ZlibBuffers ZlibInflate ZlibReaders

ZlibDeflate ZlibWriters Zip OFSCacheVolumes OFSBoot0 ~

FileDisks.Open SYS:Oberon0.Dsk 2880 80 2 18 ~  FileDisks.Open SYS:Oberon0.Dsk~

Partitions.Format SYS:Oberon0.Dsk#0 NatFS -1 ram.bin ~

FileSystem.Mount A NatFS SYS:Oberon0.Dsk ~

System.CopyFiles Oberon0.zip => A:Oberon0.zip System.zip => A:System.zip ~


FileSystem.Unmount A

Partitions.SetConfig SYS:Oberon0.Dsk#0

	A00="%0DWelcome to the Native Oberon installer%0A"

	A01="%0DTo continue booting, enter 'c'.  The screen will go blank, and after about"

	A02="%0Da minute, the mouse configuration program will appear."

	A03="%0DSee install.txt for more information.%0A"

	A04="%0DCurrent settings:"

	Init="b81200cd10bb003fb80110cd10" ~

FileDisks.Close SYS:Oberon0.Dsk ~


Here I think, we can put things to disk directly and boot from disk, not from floppy.
Won't it be possible?

Also not sure if we can get rid of zip files and zip tools.
If unzipping Oberon0.zip is somewhere hard coded in boot code, can we go without it?

I shall be happy, if you can suggest which .Mod files I should collect, for this to be possible.

With thanks and best regards,

Yours sincerely,
Srinivas Nayak

Home: http://www.mathmeth.com/sn/
Blog: http://srinivas-nayak.blogspot.in/

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