[Oberon] Quick access to Aos-Files anywhere in the File-Tree.

eas lab lab.eas at gmail.com
Mon Apr 25 19:16:04 CEST 2016

Previously when roaming the file tree [mainly by mc: the improved clone
of the classical DOS nc], different file types could be examined:-
*.pdf => xpdf FileName.pdf
*.*nixText => mc view / edit
Micro$pook.Text => best via LEO
ETHO/Aos.Text => via LEO by lauching a LEO which is based in the directory
where the ETHO/Aos.Text is seen to be.

This is not optimal since after I've seen the File's name, and  mc has shown
that the file is Aos, by the appearance, eg. looking like:--
......)...........................G...............==> /usr/local/bin/LEO/InitLog

I don't want to type in file names, especially not these absurd Micro$pook ones.
mc, being cursor-based allows you to scroll or mouse to the particular FileName
and <do various actions> on it. Also, I don't want to start LEO and then
need to remember/find and enter the FileName.

The solution is to use mc [or other method] to store the path/file in a fixed
location, so that when the LEO is launched, it immediately has access to that
selected file.

If you don't know mc, you can use your own method to conveniently load
path/file to a fixed file, which your ETHO's Oberon.Text will use, by
eg. an entry: Desktops.OpenDoc /var/wSeeO/FileName  or
Edit.Open /var/wSeeO/FileName

/var/wSeeO/FileName is where I've put the path/name of the selected
Aos file to be accessed.

The file Oberon.Text which is in the directory, from which LEO is launched,
initialises the behaviour of *THAT* LEO.

GoalDirected summary [working backwards].
2. an ETHO version is launched, that has it's Oberon.Text initialised to know
where  the latest <path/file> has been put, and preferably opens the
file containing
  <path/file> to be immediately ready to do: Desktops.OpenDoc ^ or ET.Open ^
  on <path/file>.

1. Use your own method to load the /path/file of the Aos file that you want
 ETHO to open, into <FileName>

In my case File: /var/wSeeO2/Oberon.Text's contents starts with:--
{ /var/wSeeO/Oberon.Text The Oberon Configuration Text - see System.Text
for more information }

System = {
    DefaultFont = OB2ULINE.Scn.Fnt
        MouseButtons = 2
        KeyboardLayout = "de"
        InitCommands = {
                { HostSysinfo.Show }
                { KeyboardMap.Install }

                { TextDocs.ReplaceSystemEditor }
                { System.OpenLog }
                { ET.Marker  set  766  140 }
                { System.Open System3.Tool }
                {  Desktops.OpenDoc /var/wSeeO/File }  <-- points to FileName

Presently /var/wSeeO/File has the single line, containing:
which is the oberon path/file which Desktops.OpenDoc ^ , or Edit.Open ^
can be used on.

So, the file that LEO should access is:
This long path/filename was placed in:
  /var/wSeeO/File  by mc;
  use you own prefered method and location.
When LEO starts, the line in Oberon.Text :
                {  Desktops.OpenDoc /var/wSeeO/File }
causes /mnt/h15/usr/local/bin/LEO/ARMETHO12.23
to be displayed in a TextFrame;
which gives direct 1-klik acces to

Perhaps a similar scheme could help LNO  / ALO to easier than presently
work on files outside of its own directory, although unlike LEO, it
may still be restricted to being launched from only its home directory?

IMO unless it can easily access the whole file-tree it's just a demo-toy.

== Chris Glur.

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