[Oberon] Wikibook _versus_ svn or git.

Lars noreply at z505.com
Mon Sep 5 13:53:32 CEST 2016

On Wed, April 20, 2016 10:50 am, Jörg Straube wrote:
> I would appreciate a repository of ProjectOberon, where the community >
can contribute instead of having independent forks.

Sometimes repositories make even more forks... Github encourages people to
fork, fork, fork, as many times as they wish... then hopefully
contributions get contributed back to the original master developer, but
do they?

SVN and CVS were a bit more central and didn't encourage as much forking,
supposedly, but even with SVN you still had people forking..

The Wirth approach seems to be have one main person understand and code an
entire system rather than have millions of bells and whistle fork/feature
request systems that make the system large.

I appreciate revision control as it is a great backup system, but this
forking forking forking issue needs to be addressed. It seems the
repository systems, encourage forking, and even Wirth's way of doing
things encourages forking because people find the language lacking so they
create a fork to add missing features.

This forking issue is not an easy problem to solve (thinking of spooning).

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