[Oberon] Wikibook _versus_ svn or git.

eas lab lab.eas at gmail.com
Sun Apr 24 02:55:55 CEST 2016

Isn't wikibook for documentation & ideas : for people &
  svn / git for code ?

> I would appreciate a repository of ProjectOberon, where the community
> can contribute instead of having independent forks.

Yes, yes.

> Perhaps even with some approvers to review the contributions to guarantee
> a minimal level of quality...

Inevitable errors should be fixed. eg. we've got a nice font for N-O,
but from the beginning the char"_" looked like char"-".
This is so easy to fix; instead of 50 people falling in the same hole
a thousand times.
Also the MINIMALIST structure must be maintained, to avoid a drift
towards an ad-hoc monster like *nix bash.
Eg. each module has associated files: Name.Mod, Name.Obj, Name.Tool
  and perhaps Name.Text
I vaguely remember that one module BROKE this rule.
I thought it was EditTools.* but that seems OK.

> In my point of view, WikiBook doesn't seem to be the best choice for this
> task.

Let's avoid these Hollywood-fads, which are being continually "updated";
like plain text was wrapped in html, gets wrapped in javascript, gets
wrapped in "update you browser to be blasted by our commercial images".

== Chris Glur.

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