[Oberon] Does Oberon-experimental run on Win8.1 x64?

Andreas Pirklbauer andreas_pirklbauer at yahoo.com
Sun Oct 9 10:18:07 CEST 2016

If you have a native Oberon system on your Windows machine with an existing Oberon compiler for x64, then it should be possible to make the same changes to your Oberon system than Experimental Oberon made to Oberon 2013 (which is based on the RISC processor). Note that this includes the compiler and the object file format as well.
If you don’t have a working Oberon system on your Windows machine, you can try to use the Oberon emulator available at https://github.com/pdewacht/oberon-risc-emu . Note that the Experimental Oberon site contains a compressed archive of Experimental Oberon (S3RISCinstall directory) for this emulator.
PS: I would consider upgrading to Windows 10.

eas lab lab.eas at gmail.com  <mailto:oberon%40lists.inf.ethz.ch?Subject=Re:%20Re%3A%20%5BOberon%5D%20Does%20Oberon-experimental%20run%20on%20Win8.1%20x64%3F&In-Reply-To=%3CCAN3-DLEGhygxDY75MU1WDov_C09_-OmBNEDw%3D2Z6fo0kJJP4Hg%40mail.gmail.com%3E>
Sun Oct 9 06:58:47 CEST 2016
I fetched
https*/andr*/Oberon-experimental and read the doc,
but can't see if the code would run under Win8.1 x64.

I've become "isolated" in darkenING Africa, with only
access to a Win8.1 x64, and badly need a system which
can give read/write cut&paste to multiple textFrames
simultaneously, without looking away from the screen
to the keyboard.     It's the HCI of ETHO that matters!

What about the russian project that was mentioned here?

Thanks for any help.
==Chris Glur.

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