[Oberon] Nobody else has x64 & UEFI problems?

eas lab lab.eas at gmail.com
Sat Nov 5 02:21:19 CET 2016

To comply with the local ISP, I was tricked into having x64 on this Win8.1
laptop. After my old systems were stolen: you want to remain 'mobile' while
South Africa spirals into chaos!  You've seen the refugees from Syria?

Users who just repeat others, falsely claim that <all> x86 binaries run on
x64. It was a nightmare to research how to disable UEFI to escape the WinTel
tyranny on this thing. And the hard-disks are partitioned to keep-out linux
users; so I've got 3 USB devices to try to get a usable linux system, without
corrupting the "Windows", as previously always seemed to happen.

I *MUST* have ETHO's <Tile-ing> HCI. So I tried to compile a copy of wily
[which has imitated & extended ETHO's HCI], but hit 64bit incompatibility.

It's most confusing that SOME 32-bit programs run.
Of couse my peferred  app would be   /~fld/UnixOberon per Dir:-
[DIR] UnixOberon/  08-Feb-2008 18:52  -
but I failed here too, with my directories that I have copied/run
on multiple 32-bit linux, over the years.

How do I get the classical Oberon HCI to run on this x64 garbage ?!?

== Chris Glur.

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