[Oberon] Oberon for a C++ user.

Diego Sardina dsar at eml.cc
Mon Nov 14 07:30:53 CET 2016

> Hello!

Hi :-)

> But you are not being a client in this case, are you?
> If you were a client in the sense of the word that document uses,
> you would only extend existing records and override existing
> methods.

Well, we have to define what a client programmer
is :-)

In general I mean any use of concrete records,
also if they don't extend or use any framework.
In particular he's not going to make an interface
for a service module.

But of course the What's New document means *an
user of the framework*. I put the term in a more
general context.

> When you create new methods and records, you are
> designing a new framework, you are not being a *pure client*
> of the BlackBox Framework.

With a final record that extends no record
I'm not creating or using a framework. I've
a fully concrete record that neither requires
dynamic dispatch for type-bound procedures.

The NEW keyword is totally meaningless here,
it makes sense in TBPs of EXTENSIBLE records
and for those final ones that extends a record.

Or am I missing something? I used CP only for
a very short period.

Thanks for further clarification.

Diego Sardina

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