[Oberon] Re (2): Re (2): Class Methods Vs. Procedure variables in Records

peter at easthope.ca peter at easthope.ca
Sun Jul 2 22:26:46 CEST 2017

From:	"Skulski, Wojciech" <skulski at pas.rochester.edu>
Date:	Sun, 2 Jul 2017 17:03:02 +0000
> I just posted the web pointers to alternatives. 

Ok, I've looked.  

http://readthedocs.org/ was unavailable when I tried. 

Each of the following is maintained by an authority or team of authorities.

Sphinx is written, maintained and documented by eleven authors and 
co-maintainers and by several contributors.  

https://scipy.org/  Run by "SciPy Developers".  Names not divulged.

Run by Michael Scott Cuthbert, Principal Investigator.  Hosted by MIT.

No authority or team of authorities has volunteered to maintain 
sources  and documentation for Oberon.  

> These seem more complex than the wikibook, but also the result 
> looks better IMHO.

Sorry to say, I can't do any better at present and don't expect to have 
more time to spare in the future.

Personality is a significant factor in participation in a wiki.  Some 
personalities are very fussy about who they collaborate with.  
Some personalities can't bear to contribute at risk of seeing their 
edit reverted or words changed.  That's human nature.

Regards,                            ... Peter E.

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