[Oberon] OP2 vs. Single-Pass

eas lab lab.eas at gmail.com
Thu Aug 3 06:25:50 CEST 2017

>1. It would be VERY useful to have a back end for OP2 that targeted a purpose-built >interpreter (processing something like byte code from a linear file, not a tree-traversing >interpreter).  Here, it would be very helpful to have it support an instruction set for which a > >clean and simple ...............

NW's Pascal had that in the 70s: P-code interpreters. I built them for
F8 & 6xxxMotorola
8bit Uprocs. What happened to "juices" ?
--- WebAssembly  writes:--
  At the moment, the tooling of the wasm compiler system internally uses
   s-expressions (for parsing simplicity as well as extra information that
   "linear assembly bytecode" representation does not contain) to handle
   intermediate code. An example is shown below (updated to the current

   (type $FUNCSIG$dd (func (param f64) (result f64)))
   (import "global.Math" "exp" (func $exp (param f64) (result f64)))
   (memory 256 256)
   (export "memory" (memory 0))
   (func $doubleExp (param $0 f64) (result f64)
       (call $exp
         (get_local $0)
       (f64.const 2)
   (export "doubleExp" (func $doubleExp))
------------ end of extract.
How/what is the advantage of this s-notation?
How is that related to ETHO's Layla ?

== Chris Glur.

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