[Oberon] FPGA- Oberon-07 - Operators precedence

Tomas Kral thomas.kral at email.cz
Thu Sep 20 20:57:08 CEST 2018


Oberon-7 has these operators defined, is there a reference of the
precedence order. Many thanks.

+     addition, set union
-     subtraction, set difference
*     multiplication, set intersection
/     division, symmetric set difference
:=    assignment
&     logical AND
~     logical NOT
=     equal
#     unequal
<     less than
>     greater than
<=    less than or equal
>=    greater than or equal
()    parentheses
[]    index brackets
{}    set braces
(* *) comment brackets
^     dereferencing operator

Tomas Kral <thomas.kral at email.cz>

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