[Oberon] FPGA - Display3.Mod - porting
Tomas Kral
thomas.kral at email.cz
Mon Oct 29 12:26:46 CET 2018
Looking at `Display3.Mod', that was designed for Gadget system.
It defines so called graphics Port and Mask aiding clipping and window
I wish to port some of the drawing primitives to Oberon-7, so we could
draw filled rectangles, polygons, ellipses, splines, etc.
It may be foreseen as clipping masks may not be used for Oberon-7 (as is
unlikely to run Gadgets on), so is it good to remove masks from the
implementation for Oberon-7.
What could the simplified interface look like?
Full definition follows..
DEFINITION Display3; (* portable *) (* jm 17.1.95 / tk 7.12.95*)
(*Module Display3 implements the clipped graphic primitives used by the Gadget system. It has a twin module called Printer3 that implements the same primitives for the printer.
Display, Fonts, Pictures;
replace = Display.replace; paint = Display.paint; invert = Display.invert; (* Standard display modes. *)
(* Display styles *)
filled = 1; (* Filled *)
Mask = POINTER TO MaskDesc; (* Clipping Mask. *)
(* Informs a frame of a new mask. This message is always sent directly. *)
OverlapMsg = RECORD (Display.FrameMsg)
M: Mask (* Use NIL to indicate to a frame that its current mask is invalid. *)
(* Message broadcast by a frame (identified by the F field) to indicate that it has an invalid mask and now requires
its parent, to calculate a new mask for it and to inform it through the OverlapMsg. *)
UpdateMaskMsg = RECORD (Display.FrameMsg) END;
MaskDesc = (* Clipping mask descriptor. *)RECORD
x, y: INTEGER (* Relative mask origin or offset. *);
X, Y, W, H: INTEGER (* Current clipping port in absolute coordinates. *)
(* Enumerate the set of rectangles in a mask. The clipping port is not enumerated. *)
selectpat: Display.Pattern; (* Pattern used to draw gadgets when in a selected state. *)
(* Colors *)
FG, BG: INTEGER; (* Foreground (black) and background (white) color indexes. *)
red, green, blue: INTEGER; (* Primary color indexes. *)
black, white: INTEGER; (* True black and white. *)
topC: INTEGER; (* Top shadow color. *)
bottomC: INTEGER; (* Bottom shadow color. *)
upC: INTEGER; (* Color of a button. *)
downC: INTEGER; (* Color of the pushed button *)
groupC: INTEGER; (* Color of containers, i.e. gadgets that have a grouping function like panels. *)
invertC: INTEGER; (* Best color for doing inverts.. *)
textC: INTEGER; (* Default text color. *)
textbackC: INTEGER; (* Default text background. *)
textmode: INTEGER; (* Best CopyPattern mode for this display card. *)
(* Initialize the Mask to the empty region, i.e. everything will be clipped away. *)
PROCEDURE Open(M: Mask);
(* Enumerate all the visible areas of a mask. The clipping port is not enumerated. The mask translation vector is taken into account.*)
PROCEDURE Enum(M: Mask; enum: EnumProc);
(* Enumerate all the invisible areas of a mask. The clipping port is not enumerated. Note that you might obtain coordinates outside of the normal screen area, bounded by approximately -/+ 8192. The mask translation vector is taken into account.*)
PROCEDURE EnumInvert(M: Mask; enum: EnumProc);
(* Enumerate all the visible areas in the given rectangular region. The clipping port is not taken into account. *)
PROCEDURE EnumRect(M: Mask; X, Y, W, H: INTEGER; enum: EnumProc);
(* Make a copy of a mask. *)
PROCEDURE Copy(from: Mask; VAR to: Mask);
(* Add the rectangle X, Y, W, H as a visible/drawable area to the mask. *)
(* Clip the current clipping port of the mask to the rectangle X, Y, W, H. The result is an updated clipping port. *)
PROCEDURE AdjustMask(M: Mask; X, Y, W, H: INTEGER);
(* Remove area X, Y, W, H from the mask i.e. make area undrawable. *)
PROCEDURE Subtract(M: Mask; X, Y, W, H: INTEGER);
(* Interset the mask with the rectangle X, Y, W, H. The visible areas are restricted to this rectangle. *)
PROCEDURE Intersect(M: Mask; X, Y, W, H: INTEGER);
(* Intersect the masks A and B resulting in R. *)
PROCEDURE IntersectMasks(A, B: Mask; VAR R: Mask); (* R is an out parameter only *)
(* Subtracts the visible areas of B from A to give mask R. *)
PROCEDURE SubtractMasks(A, B: Mask; VAR R: Mask);
(* Translate the mask so that the resulting origin/offset is 0, 0. This is done by "adding in" the translation vector. *)
PROCEDURE Shift(M: Mask);
(* Returns TRUE if the visible areas of the mask form a single rectangle. The result, when TRUE, is returned. The clipping port is not taken into account. *)
(* Using Display.CopyBlock, copy the area M to position X, Y. The point M.x, M.y is copied to screen coordinates X, Y. *)
PROCEDURE CopyMask(M: Mask; X, Y: INTEGER; mode: INTEGER);
(* Display.ReplConst through a mask. *)
PROCEDURE ReplConst(M: Mask; col: Display.Color; X, Y, W, H, mode: INTEGER);
(* Is this rectangle completely visible? The clipping port is taken into acount. *)
(* Display.Dot through a clipping mask. *)
PROCEDURE Dot(M: Mask; col: Display.Color; X, Y, mode: INTEGER);
(* Display.FillPattern through a clipping mask. pX, pY is the pattern pin-point. *)
PROCEDURE FillPattern(M: Mask; col: Display.Color; pat: Display.Pattern; pX, pY, X, Y, W, H, mode: INTEGER);
(* Same as Display.CopyPattern, but through a clipping mask. *)
PROCEDURE CopyPattern(M: Mask; col: Display.Color; pat: Display.Pattern; X, Y, mode: INTEGER);
(* Draw rectangle outline in the specified size, line width and pattern. *)
PROCEDURE Rect(M: Mask; col: Display.Color; pat: Display.Pattern; X, Y, W, H, width, mode: INTEGER);
(* Draw rectangle outline in width using top and bottom shadow (3D effects ).*)
PROCEDURE Rect3D(M: Mask; topcol, botcol: Display.Color; X, Y, W, H, width, mode: INTEGER);
(* Fill rectangle with 3D shadow effects. incol specifies the "inside" color. *)
PROCEDURE FilledRect3D(M: Mask; topcol, botcol, incol: Display.Color; X, Y, W, H, width, mode: INTEGER);
(* Draw a line in the specified pattern and width. Round brushes are used to draw thick lines. *)
PROCEDURE Line(M: Mask; col: Display.Color; pat: Display.Pattern; X, Y, X1, Y1, width, mode: INTEGER);
(* Draw a polygon in pattern pat. n specifies the number of vertices listed in the arrays X and Y. Style may be {filled}. *)
PROCEDURE Poly(M: Mask; col: Display.Color; pat: Display.Pattern; VAR X, Y: ARRAY OF INTEGER; n, width: INTEGER; style: SET; mode: INTEGER);
(* Draw an ellipse. Implementation restriction: cannot fill an ellipse or draw an ellipse with line width > 1 *)
PROCEDURE Ellipse(M: Mask; col: Display.Color; pat: Display.Pattern; X, Y, a, b, width: INTEGER; style: SET; mode: INTEGER);
(* Draw a circle in radius r using pattern pat at position X, Y. Thick line widths are allowed. *)
PROCEDURE Circle(M: Mask; col: Display.Color; pat: Display.Pattern; X, Y, r, width: INTEGER; style: SET; mode: INTEGER);
(* Draw string s in font fnt and color col at position X, Y. *)
PROCEDURE String(M: Mask; col: Display.Color; X, Y: INTEGER; fnt: Fonts.Font; s: ARRAY OF CHAR; mode: INTEGER);
(* Draw a string s in font fnt centered in the rectangle X, Y, W, H. Line breaks will be inserted as needed. *)
PROCEDURE CenterString(M: Mask; col: Display.Color; X, Y, W, H: INTEGER; fnt: Fonts.Font; s: ARRAY OF CHAR; mode: INTEGER);
(* Return the size of a string in width w and height h. dsr returns the baseline offset as a positive value. *)
PROCEDURE StringSize(s: ARRAY OF CHAR; fnt: Fonts.Font; VAR w, h, dsr: INTEGER);
(* Draw the area X, Y, W, H of picture P at position DX, DY on the display. *)
PROCEDURE Pict(M: Mask; P: Pictures.Picture; X, Y, W, H, DX, DY, mode: INTEGER);
(* Replicate a picture filling area X, Y, W, H on the display. px, py is the picture pin-point. *)
PROCEDURE ReplPict(M: Mask; P: Pictures.Picture; px, py, X, Y, W, H, mode: INTEGER);
END Display3.
Tomas Kral <thomas.kral at email.cz>
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