[Oberon] QEMU target implementation for Oberon RISC architecture
Michael Schierl
schierlm at gmx.de
Tue Dec 31 18:07:37 CET 2019
Am 31.12.2019 um 10:31 schrieb Jörg:
> Just to refine my idea. The *second* byte of the MOV’ instruction could
> identify the emulator as follows:
> * *P*eter de Wachter’s emulator could return 50H (ASCII “P”)
> * *A*ndreas Pirklbauer’s emulator could return 41H (ASCII “A”)
> * *C*huck Perkin’s emulator could return 43H (ASCII “C”)
> * *M*ichael Schier’s emulator could return 4DH (ASCII “M”)
> * *R*oel de Jong’s emulator could return 52H (ASCII “R”)
I don't think this will work out to identify emulators in a sensible way
(e.g. their feature set).
Chuck has done one Emulator in Go and now he is working on QEMU.
I have done one desktop emulator (in Java), and then one
feature-incompatible Web emulator in JavaScript (which I later ported to
Webassembly/AssemblyScript). And last but not least I also maintain a
fork of pdewacht's emulator (adding 16 color support, host filesystem,
rtc, and drag&drop for PCLink).
At least my 3 emulators have different feature sets, so I could not
think of any good reason why they should get identified the same way.
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