[Oberon] Emulators

Colby Russell oberon at x.colbyrussell.com
Wed Jul 29 17:44:44 CEST 2020

On 7/29/20 10:23 AM, Skulski, Wojciech wrote:
 > The menu appears, but the disk image .dsk does not load. [...] I
 > wonder if it has anything to do with file permissions or [...]

The disk you load must contain a compatible Oberon system.

Try this instead; to obtain a compatible image:

1. Navigate to Michael's emulator and load a compatible image. E.g.:
2. From the emulator's system menu (where it says "FullDiskImage"),
    click "Save…" ("Export disk image").
3. Save the resulting "oberon.dsk" anywhere.

To run the compatible image from your local copy of the offline,
in-browser emulator.

1. Double click your local "emu.js.html" as you've previously done.
2. From the system menu (where it says "Select disk image…"), click
3. Navigate to the file you saved in step 3 above.

This will successfully boot the same ("FullDiskImage") system.

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