[Oberon] Fixup documentation; was: Documentation;
Hellwig Geisse
hellwig.geisse at mni.thm.de
Fri Dec 18 00:51:41 CET 2020
On Do, 2020-12-17 at 07:10 -0800, peter at easthope.ca wrote:
> > In the risk architecture you find the following hint:
> > „If v = 1, the link address PC+1 is deposited in register R15. ...
> Encoded in Verilog.(?)
yes, as follows:
Register writes are executed in the statement
always @ (posedge clk) begin
R[ira0] <= regwr ? regmux : A;
The register number "ira0" is 15 in case of a BR
(all branch instructions, including calls):
assign BR = p & q;
assign ira0 = BR ? 4'd15 : ira;
The condition "regwr" is true for calls that are
actually executed ("BR & cond & v"):
assign regwr = ~p & ~stall | (LDR & ~stall1) | (BR & cond & v);
In this case, "regmux" is PC+1 ("nxpc"), shifted
left by 2 bits (because the remembered address in
R15 - the "return address" - is a byte address,
in contrast to the word address of the PC):
assign nxpc = PC + 22'h1;
assign regmux = LDR ? {inbusH, inbusL} : (BR & v) ? {8'b0, nxpc, 2'b0} : aluRes;
The curly braces "{...}" denote concatenation of
bit vectors in Verilog.
Hope that helps - sorry for the rather brief explanation.
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