[Oberon] Re (n): Streams.

eas lab lab.eas at gmail.com
Sun May 16 07:32:59 CEST 2021

> Can aos do:
>  list the 22 most recentcy-ordered
>  including <dotted files> in /tmp ?
> eg.*nix:   ls -ta /tmp | head -22
In the days of running <Linux ETH Oberon>, I could:
 <System.Execute ls -ta /mnt/OtherDevice/AnyDir | head -22>
to get the list of files on the LIVE LEO FRAME where I had
ETHO's full coloring...etc. facilities. Eg. pasteing some
contents of <the critically recognised file> into an email
to be sent by LEO.
  A teaching environment must be <staged: Romeo+Julet+theDog>.
In contrast, with my laptop running linux I want/need access to
my whole UNIVERSE of 4 plugged USB-devices +...---------------
sda      8:0    0 465.8G  0 disk
├─sda1   8:1    0   300M  0 part
├─sda2   8:2    0   100M  0 part
├─sda3   8:3    0   128M  0 part
└─sda4   8:4    0 465.3G  0 part /mnt/sda4
sr0     11:0    1 667.3M  0 rom
sdb      8:16   1   7.5G  0 disk
├─sdb1   8:17   1   2.2G  0 part /mnt/sdb1
└─sdb2   8:18   1   5.2G  0 part /mnt/sdb2
sdd      8:48   1  14.9G  0 disk
├─sdd1   8:49   1     3G  0 part
├─sdd2   8:50   1     6G  0 part /mnt/sdd2
└─sdd3   8:51   1   5.9G  0 part /
sde      8:64   1  29.2G  0 disk
├─sde1   8:65   1   900M  0 part
└─sde2   8:66   1     2G  0 part
sdc      8:32   0 465.8G  0 disk
├─sdc1   8:33   0 690.3M  0 part
├─sdc2   8:34   0   2.1G  0 part
├─sdc3   8:35   0   3.1G  0 part
└─sdc4   8:36   0 459.9G  0 part /mnt/sdc4
LEO gave me access to this whole-UNIVERSE and within the superior
ETHO context. Eg. not like the current LAME web-based-gmail, where
you can't send/receive randomly, but must consume one-item-at-a-time
as it is handed to you.
PS. I only discovered later that LEO was [just luckely for me] built
for 486...good font-sizes ...etc.
--- CRG.
?? Wrong Thread = blame gmail garbage system !!

On 5/13/21, Joerg <joerg.straube at iaeth.ch> wrote:
>>> When you run linux virtualized on top of a windows machine, why
>>> would you want linux to have a windows console?
>> Windows wasn't mentioned.
> I know. I used an analogy to make clear what you are requesting.
> A2 is an OS. It is meant to sit on top of the HW not on top of another OS.
> If you run Windows on top of Linux (or the other way around or Android on
> top of macOS, another analogy) you can not expect the guest OS author to
> offer a console to the underlying host OS. The author of the intermediate
> hypervisor/emulator could try offer it, if needed.
> br
> Jörg
> --
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