[Oberon] Portings Texts.Mod to Oberon-7, my Artemis project

Robert Doiel rsdoiel at gmail.com
Thu Jun 17 03:51:23 CEST 2021

This list discussion around Oberon Texts has been inspiring. It is been so
inspiring I've create a GitHub repository  named Artemis:

 > Artemis is an Oberon-7 module collection. My hope is
 > to encourage continued use and development of the Oberon-7
 > language and encourage convergence towards compatibility
 > in implementations of Oberon-7 compilers.

This ties back to the Texts discussion in one significant way. I am planning
to port both S3 (Native Oberon) Texts.Mod and V4 (Linz) Texts (Texts.Mod,
Elem.Mod, etc) to Oberon-7.  That code will wind up in Artemis and be 
used to
implement an "ocat" (like Joseph Templ's ocat from ofront) that will 
work for
each of the type of Texts.

I've looked at each implementation and I think unifying them is beyond my
skill but porting each one would be extremely useful, especially from a
preservation point of view.

I am not promising fast (or successful) development.  I am one of those
dreaded hobbyist when it comes to Oberon.  I think the collection will be
useful as it evolves.  It is likely to hold my interest for quite some time.
I think it will be especially for useful for fellow novices exploring
Oberon-7 on POSIX.


Feed back welcome, criticism is helpful, pull request exciting. You can
reach me on this email list and via GitHub issue

All the best,

Robert Doiel

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