[SCION] Understanding the significance of submitting SCION protocol as as draft to the IETF

Chris Adams chris at thegreenwebfoundation.org
Mon Aug 8 13:41:26 CEST 2022

Hi folks,

I’m trying to understand the significance of the SCION Internet Draft being submitted to the IETF as I read it.

Is there a blog post or similar someone might point me to, to give me an idea about what the implications are? Does this change the governance model in any way?

https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-dekater-panrg-scion-overview/ <https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-dekater-panrg-scion-overview/>

P.S. I now host a podcast focussed around Green Software Engineering with the Green Software foundation, called Environment Variables. We talk a bit about SCION in the most recent episode, From Carbon Aware to Carbon Intelligent:

https://podcast.greensoftware.foundation/e/xnvm3598-from-carbon-aware-to-carbon-intelligent <https://podcast.greensoftware.foundation/e/xnvm3598-from-carbon-aware-to-carbon-intelligent>

I figure it might interest some folks here, and if there’s any new research or work in the domain of green networking with SCION you can point me to, I’d love to read about it. I saw Seyedali Tabaeiaghdaei’s talk at SCION Day earlier this year, but I know of much beyond that.

Chris Adams

Executive Director

w: thegreenwebfoundation.org
e: chris at thegreenwebfoundation.org
t: @mrchrisadams

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