[Tutorialcpp] Some more feedback

Felix Friedrich felix.friedrich at inf.ethz.ch
Fri Sep 9 09:22:42 CEST 2016

Dear all

I made a mistake and did not see some of the feedback in the survey 
tool.  Following I conclude what has not been mentioned before:

(1) [german part] Rechtschreibfehler in Schritt 4: Konsole zeigt die 
 >>die<< Ausgabe von Ihrem Programm und erlaubt Ihnen Eingaben vorzunehmen.

(2) Slide 12: a year has 31536000 seconds, not only 525600 [--> would be 

(3) [german part] Grammatikfehler bei: Deklarieren Sie eine Variable vom 
Typ float welche ihren gegenwärtigen Vermögensstand repräsentiert (z. B. 
float money;) und lesen Sie >>einen<< reelle Zahl von der Eingabe in 
diese Variable ein. Danach rechnen Sie den Betrag nach einem Jahr aus 
und geben das Resultat aus.

(4) More examples for converting while / for loops was on the wishlist 
of one of the students. [But we will repeat this in class anyways]

One general remark was that the coloring of the answers in multiple 
choice questions was confusing. The student did not understand what 
becomes green and what becomes red. Maybe we should add one example at 
the very beginning to make that clear.

Hermann told me that there is also feedback in the tutorial itself that 
we cannot see because we do not have the necessary access rights. He 
will report accordingly [and we should request that such information is 
open in future for the developers of tutorials].



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