[Barrelfish-users] How to Patch grub-0.97 to load 64 bit Barrelfish image!!

Kornilios Kourtis kornilios.kourtis at inf.ethz.ch
Thu Nov 28 13:41:23 CET 2013

Hi Jiban,

On Wed, Nov 27, 2013 at 06:29:23AM -0800, jiban sarma wrote:
> Hi Kornilios,
> I think I am little bit confused with the grub and the elver pre boot
> loader.Can you please give me an insight of how grub and elver worked together
> to load the barrelfish image. I almost have the same menu.lst configuration as
> you have shared. 
> Okay, I am just planning to do the below, just let me know whether I am in the
> right direction or not:
> 1) Create a 64 bit barrelfish image by using make install INSTALL_PREFIX=/
> tftpboot/barrelfish
> 2) Copy the barrelfish binary in my tftp/pxe server.
> 3) Build grub-0.97 to support network booting for my broadcom ethernet card.
> 4 )and copy the "pxegrub" binary in my pxe server.
> 5) Write a "menu.lst" file based on my configuration.
> Does grub will read the elver entry from the menu.lst file and then elver
> eventually take the control of the whole boot process?

Grub will also need to fetch the other modules mentioned in menu.lst via
tftp, but I don't see a reason why the process you are describing above
should not work. Maybe I'm missing something...

It might be helpful to check your tftp logs and see what files are
actually requested/transferred.


Kornilios Kourtis

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