[Oberon] Re (2): Experimental Oberon released

peter at easthope.ca peter at easthope.ca
Tue Jan 26 17:38:29 CET 2016

From:	Hans Klaver <hklaver at dds.nl>, Tue, 26 Jan 2016 01:47:57 +0100
> "md" stands for Markdown, which is a simple way to markup a 
> plain text file without using HTML.

OK, thanks.  Now I found https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/GitHub_Flavored_Markdown .

> Apart from using a web browser to let github.com convert the 
> README.md file to an HTML web page you could use e.g. 
> Notebooks ( http://www.notebooksapp.com/ios/markdown/ ) 
> to see the formatted view of a .md file 

Notebooks sounds to be a Windows application whereas I have 
Oberon and Linux.  The only browser immediately available here, 
Epiphany, doesn't recognize *.md.  Merely saves a copy of the file. 

> I use Notebooks (which has free trial versions for Mac and PC, and 
> also a version for iOS)  to make and arrange plain text notes ...

In a text editor, README.md appears to be nothing but HTML.  
If README.md is saved as README.html, then Epiphany opens it 
directly.  In fact Desktops.OpenDoc in Oberon will open it; 
although with empty scroll boxes.

From:	"R. P. de Jong" <rdjong at mac.com>
> Thanks for publishing this, and the professional documentation!

Ditto!  The reference to touchscreen is really cogent. 
The personal workstation is no longer a desktop machine. 
It is a handy or tablet with a touchscreen.

Thanks^2,                 ... Lyall E.

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