[Oberon] Good News on Ceres-3 recreated on FPGA

Chris Burrows cfbsoftware at gmail.com
Sat Oct 21 00:27:11 CEST 2023

On Wed, Jul 26, 2023 at 12:30 AM Pablo Cayuela <pablo.cayuela at gmail.com>

> This project of Ceres on FPGA by Udo Möller was mentioned many times
> on the list.
> There is some good news on it.
> http://www.cpu-ns32k.net/News.html
> The Ceres-3 is finally working on an FPGA board featuring a Verilog
> version of the NS32k CPU used in the original hardware:
> http://www.cpu-ns32k.net/TRIPUTER.html#Ceres
I've just checked this project and see that great progress has been made,
and the software has been released, since your July report. The release
announcement is:

Milestone 6 : September 2023 - TRIPUTER V2.0 is available:

The V2.0 zip archive contains five files:

   - TRIPUTER_V20.pof , the flash configuration
   - TRIPUTER_V20.pdf , the User Manual
   - monitor.32K , the source code of the TRIPUTER MONITOR program
   - disk_0_1.dsk , this file contains the software for Oberon originally
   available on floppy disks
   - statistic.c , demo program for PC532 (NetBSD) for use of statistic unit


The URL is the same as before


Chris Burrows
Oberon-07 for ARM Cortex-M0, M3, M4 and M7
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